Golden Surprise

[Chapter 1: Golden Opportunity](%5C) [Chapter 2: Golden Surprise](%5C) [Chapter 3: Golden Realization](%5C) [Chapter 4: Golden Orgasm](%5C) [Chapter 5: Golden Orders](%5C) Golden surprise Lilly was standing in the steam filled bathroom...

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Tough Learning on Innocents Part 4

First of sorry for taking so long guys hehe and enjoy part four hehehe, comments welcome. **Tough Learning on Innocents: Part 4** The tiger took the boy upstairs and into the bathroom, it was a large room with a spa pool on...

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Halloween Fun

Desmond Hawthorne traversed the neighborhood with clear purpose. A little while before Desmond had been taking his godson, Casper along with some of his friends trick or treating. Everything was great for the first hour and thirty minutes. However,a...

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Held - The Assault (Part 2)

**Held - The Assault (Part 2)** Dawn broke a lot early than usual it felt, at least it did to Drait. Though after the night he had this could be considered normal. Drait felt annoyed to say the least his sleep to him was vital and this...

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Tough Learning on Innocents: Part 3

**Tough Learning on Innocents: Part 3** Okay usual disclaimer the characters and mine and this is part of an adult story series, for give the bad spelling and grammar there are reasons for it and more importantly enjoy it and leave...

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Tough Learning on Innocents (Part 2)

**Tough Learning on Innocents** disclaimer: the characters and of my own creation and this is an adult story. so don't read if your not 18, and most of all enjoy! chapter 2 The wolf looked around the house he was in, he couldn't make...

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Tough Learning on Innocence

**Tough Learning on Innocence** Ohhh first story on sofurry, just a little to say that both characters are mine and of my creation, this is an adult story and maybe a story series if this is liked enough. And now for the virgin writers...

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Birds and Vocalizations

Have you ever listened to a blue jay or a finch or a hawk? Birds as a group are vocal creatures and every bird makes a different vocalization. Some as in the case of hawks make harsh screeching sounds, some as in the case of parrots make squawking...

Border Collie Smutt.

Just an idea that came to me and wouldn't go away. Figured it might make a good short story. ...

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Adelaide's Trials: Animal forms, part 1.5

This section surprised me, I kind of expected Adelaide to end up with a new animal form, in fact I've already got her last two picked out, and even how she's going to get them, well mostly how she's going to get them. But then I figured hey, sexy...

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Adelaide's Trials: Animal forms, Part 1

This is part one of a series I've had in mind for a while, just lacked either the time, or the inclination(sometimes both) to actually sit down and write it. It involves some druidic lore combined with some mythology, combined with some zoophilia. So...

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Demon house

"Demon house" There I was sitting in my house playing gears of war 2 and relaxing as the sun was just about to set above the ocean. I was alone my sister went to play out side with her friends out side, and the rest of my family was a flower fair. I...

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