Snowpearl and Tiamatus: Mateship flight
Seeing nothing, he did a lazy turn to soar back above the entrance to the lair, and let a startled gasp of surprise as a streak of white pulled up in front of him, making tiamatus backwing sharply, which could easily have caused him to break a wing.
Warrior's Blood, Chapter 12: Imprisoned
He bounded into the air and spiraled upwards, but even as slowly as he was flying he still reached the top far too soon, and had to backwing to keep from flying into the field of the barrier that formed the roof of his cage.
Gryphon's Recovery
_how convenient,_ dr'keli'in thought to himself, spiralling down to backwing lightly a few metres away from the doomed cattle.
Emerald Secrets Chapter 10: Mutual Affection
With a mighty backwing the dragon slowed his descent, and landed on his hind legs, than falling to his forelimbs. "well here we are." he chuckled, trotting over towards the water. once there he lowered himself practically to the ground.
Scales and Honor- Night Rising: Chapter 14
Axton attempted to backwing to slow his descent as he neared the earth. he extended his hind legs, and when they touched the ground he tumbled. he rolled head over tail, until he came to a stop.
As he started to backwing to a stop, windshear became aware of a gleaming silver object approaching from above. "i'm fine!"
Scales and Honor- Swirling Storm: Chapter 10
Ramakox landed beside them with a quick-backwing. the blue dragon rushed over towards the pale faced human, and frozen wrymling and picked them up in a great crushing hug. "are you two okay?..whats going on?"
Scales and Honor- Night Rising: Chapter 12
The orbs exploded in a flash of light as she tried to backwing away. she managed to avoid most of the flames, but still felt some burn her scales.
Interrogations (Furry Dominance, Scaly Submission ex. 2)
"i've to see first what you must do to it, which way--i think it may be on backw--yaugph! no, no, not that way! please do not," he begged, seeing leul clutching the string in her forepaws.
The Dragon, the King and the Kobold (vol. 5)
Stubbornly, you attempt to stand your ground and it is only after the third or fourth attempt is swept away like a hatchling batted away with a backwing that you huff and reconsider.
Children of the Earth and Sky 1-3
Lost in thought as he was, a sudden blur in front of him caused him to backwing sharply, breaking the momentum of his flight and leaving him floundering in the air.
Twisted Night: Chapter 20
She circled it with nary a sound, landing with a backwing that held more care than he'd ever seen her take before. it was almost like he was one of her young, held protectively in her grasp.