The Turning of a Knight
Jelgus watched as his human friend was losing his human shape in favor of a much larger one, his hair started to trail in the wind behind them, falling out as if he were preemptively balding
Goldenmane Chapter VII: Diplomacy for Dummies
bald\_eagle\_1: worse... cowardly-lion: apparently we're on board. bald\_eagle\_1: so just a show of hands...anyone not think this is kind of great? bald\_eagle\_1: well looks like we are agreed then.
Revelations - Chapter 26: Too Many Secrets
The bald eagle practically swooped down on the crying tiger cub, immediately picking her up and standing her upright before pulling alex's panties back up.
Making of a Burd Part 4: Bonding Burd
Making of a BurdBy HaliaeetusOctober 17, 2013Part 4: Bonding BurdsMark found himself in the dark. He could barely see anything but pale blue shadows. He found himself perched in a tree, close to the trunk, swaying in the wind. It was bitter cold. He...
Leather Burrs: A Burry Good Time
"we came in ta see if we could get a nice treat fer the night," the bald one grunted.
the stranger
The bald man listened attentively to the guards questions and answered quickly and respectively as he could. the lead guard looked down on the peasant with scorn as the bald man explained where they were going and why.
Wolf Brother Chapter 4 and Epilogue
He was a big mother fucker, bald and fat with a huge scruffy beard on his face.
Janja And Jasiri - The Return Of The Tradition
I'm going bald." "so? i'm already bald. did you stop loving me?" "n-no." "then i also won't stop loving you." he manages to make her smile. "you are beautiful anyway. in fact, i think you look even more beautiful by being bald like me." "oh janja."
Auf eine gute Nachbarschaft
bald kamen die beiden nachbarn den brüdern näher, legten einen arm um die schulter des jeweils anderen und sahen ihnen dabei in die augen und flüsterten:"und jetzt...fängt die party an..."
Dinos und Drachen World Geschichte.1
Nicht der geschwister war angst vor dem fliegen, aber das würde sich bald ändern.
The Vixe who changed my life: 4
I looked at the bald man for translation. "she was too impatient, but it's also our fault, we didn't tell her that we were helping her." he said.
Drache und Hirsch
Schon bald fühlte der drache, wie sich in seinem innersten sein flüssiges feuer, die frucht seiner leidenschaft sammelte und seine bewegungen wurden schneller.