This is how love goes:Chapter one- The Accident

There was a human girl that looked about 25 years old with purple hair, it was in a beehive. "good morning, my name is lilly, how may i help you? oh my god! what happened here?" she said looking up from her computer.

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Bescaled - Chapter 1: Pet Shop Boys

This woman is over 400 pounds with blond hair in a beehive and a cigarette in her mouth. she points to the wine above the sink in the cabinet and blows smoke in my face. i hope one day those things kill her.

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Amaterasu is shamed...

They look to see a cracked beehive spilling its contents. "this is bad." issun says to himself. bees fly out of the hive and start to swarm around the hive, tracking the one responsible for the crime against their home.

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A Sweet Detour

The alolan vulpix turned to find the broken wreckage of a beehive, and her blood ran cold when its residents spilled forth. panic overwhelmed the chilly vulpine as the swarm swirled around her, filling the previously tranquil air with their buzzing.

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The Enamoured Tails

**chapter one** welcome to the jungle the first day on campus was like stepping into a beehive. first years swarmed about, the carpark was packed bumper to bumper as families tried to shunt their kids out of the car and off into the next big step.

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The Breegull Boat Part 1: Slimy, sticky, shiny.

I'd lay the bear a fortune worth of beehives to get out of this dump. even if it's in the bottom of a rotting fruit barge." she took the coin between two of her front-most feathers and swung it. but even the coin could not escape this place.

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In the giant, 3-dimensional beehive, bee zombies, without any sense of individuality to impair their work ethic, work themselves to death creating the wax that cabal uses to make the candles that he uses to perform rituals, the wax poppets that he uses

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 5: Trip to hideout

beehive?" spyro kept guessing out loud. "no and no. you should think instead shooting random guesses out from your mouth sparx" spyro said smiling. after few minutes sparx gave up "ok... i give up. what is it?" sparx said head down. "frogweed!"

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The Wrong Book part 2 gift for night_spore426

The door before me opens, there she is, cassy, her blond beehive hair, lanky scandinavian form, crevasses hips and milk-tanks that look like honeydew. she is dressed in all white as she typically is after work; a ruffled silk blouse, laird skirt, tube

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I stopped as a beehive plopped right onto my head, followed directly by russ' body. i fell to the ground with a grunt, soon russ was on top of me, our fur stuck together by honey.... and bees crawling all over us.


Poems from BCT Part 2

A constant marathon away from darkness looking ahead is like staring at a beehive an unending chain of hexagonic madness. each step we take, we are blind. we look right and left, awry. each time we look, we are hurt.

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Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 5

The 1st precinct was a beehive of activity just like any other day. judy took a deep breath before setting foot inside. stu and bonnie were genuinely impressed at the sheer size of the building.

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