Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, End Book 1

Melene corus, also known by the unwieldy name of eyeinthesky, held out a towel for him to mop out his fur. the wolf took it and began to wipe himself off, acting as if she was not even there. "arch-damned scrappers." he muttered to himself.

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Night of Latex

Of coruse, she couldn't afford to take them all. slowly she fingered through the balloons, settling on a bat like herself. the balloon was dark purple, almost black. he had a pair of adorable eyes and an eager smile on it's mouth.

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Palen's Story - Chapter One -

Of coruse, the corporation, by legal statue, denied any such 'training' of their pets - but it was done in secrecy, all documentation and records of such, were kept strictly confidential.

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Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 4

_ "command and clearance devolve onto lieutenant commander melene corus." _and if she is dead?_ "captain tanya loter is to take command." a grin crossed horizon's face.

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A Beachside Encounter

She had allways thought that theay would feel coruse or sticky. but in truth they were smothe and quite soft, like velvet. and she had a feeling the best was yet to come. tentaro lowerd himself to the absol and slid one tentacle beween her spread legs.

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Make Yourself at Home

"ladies first, of coruse" he bowed. with that, the night began. a few songs later and he found himself face to face with the hyena. the female was good, but this guy definitely knew how to dance.

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The Game

It's mystrile capped crystal exterior housed the fine filament of corus. corus was currently the only element within this world that could safely and regularly sift mana. this specific piece of corus had been shaped by hand, in a complete dead zone.

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Episode 001: Comes the Thunder - part 5

Rick flinched as penny talked to him like that, and when she was over, he said "no, of coruse not! i'm not crazy." he said "we could push him off that bridge over the road. the fall is smaller and the chances of him getting hurt are less."

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"bensela pass by the head of the corusal river," he said, a bit of relief coming from me. there wasn't any way any of my tribe would be that far west. "would you like to take a look at them, softdelight?"

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"bensela pass by the head of the corusal river," he said, a bit of relief coming from me. there wasn't any way any of my tribe would be that far west. "would you like to take a look at them, softdelight?"

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The Gridiron Gang

It was roughly designed like a normal public bathroom, a greatly modified public shower tiled with light blue tiles, small windows up high, always open to let the air circulate(of coruse the bars were there.

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Part 4: Mates

"we know, of coruse, what humans do, since we used to be a pair of them," he continued, feeling a thrill race up his spine at the admission that he was no longer part of the race he was born into.

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