And with that, the stalemate broke as the daedra attacked.
Soul Sick, Chapter 5
#5 of soul sick dunmer aristocrat and profligate wastrel eldrin llethri has just been giving an incredibly valuable gift, a ring created by an ancestor that can summon a powerful daedra.
A Champions's Burden: An Elder Scrolls Tale
Before releasing a mild burst of electricity into the daedra's body, just enough to cause intense pain but not enough to do any permanent damage.
The Lusty Argonian Maid 2:4
.~ the daedra laughed, ~soon i'll win again.~ "you don't make sense." tali said when suddenly she began to cough violently, and with each cough more of her body lost feeling but continued to move.
Sugarnauts! part 2
The good thing about doing fun fiction is rolling my own dm manual ;p also, daedra have no sense of time, or patience, so act abruptly occasionally- it isn't me being absent minded for once.
Behaving: An Elder Scrolls Erotica (Boethiah/Mephala)
daedra didn't need to eat, and mephala was no exception, but much like other activities daedra didn't need, like sex or sleeping, mephala enjoyed it anyway.
Tales of the Shadowswords: Hounded, Part 2
Unlike mortals that were became werewolves, these were born (if that term applied to daedra) as werewolves, and like other daedra when they were killed they were eventually returned to the service of their lord- they could not be killed in a permanent sense
The Lusty Argonian Maid 2:3
.~ the voice chuckled pushed lifts-her-tail against the shadows ~you are daedra...how?~ her voice was full of fear.
A Khajiit's best friend (vore)
"let me go" the dog barked from inside, covered in sticky saliva "i'm not food, i'm a daedra!" but d'jara wouldn't listen, to her he was just a magical animal trying to escape her predatory jaws.
Xanamir Winterthorn - An Elder Scrolls Character Profile
daedra blood and seed rockets down xanamir's throat and he swallows gratefully.
Love in the Time of Chorrol 7 - The Hanged Man
The daedra charged toward her weakened state.
Soul Sick, Chapter 4
Hells, he didn't even think of daedra as having any society to begin with.