Day 4: Back on track and a stroke of good luck

Another fruitless session though, with most subjects there was some push and pull but this subjects mind is like a rock and not in the ditzy way. it's like the harder we push, the harder it gets.

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Chapter One: Getting Back in My Element

Caught off-guard by the remark the ditzy godd-"i am not ditzy!" palutena randomly exclaimed, feeling insulted for being called such a term. pit slowly rose, ready to run for his life.

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The Weaver's Cage

The polar bear was sure now that her ditzy behavior before had been an act, but she couldn't bring herself to mind at all. "now what are we going to do with you?"

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Trailed Turnabout

She wasn't dumb, just a bit ditzy, and even ditzier while more concerns and memories fled her increasingly empty mind. why would she want her cock back when she'd never had one in the first place? she giggled.

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Fur Fighters, Chapter 1

A bunch of ditzy fair-weather assholes that went with her to parties, but would just point and laugh whenever a guy started getting too forceful and wanting it right away, instead of earning it with foreplay and a dance. and they made so. many.

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A Dinky Gift

**A Dinky Gift** -o-O-o- On most days it was two things in particular about his Creative Writing course that seemed to strike Stuart as a little peculiar. First, there was the sheer volume of ponies that had opted to take the class. They made up...

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(poem) A Day in the Life of a Degen Furry

Belly swells as your beastie fills your body up with jizz ballooning out, your muzzle's stout despite the froth and fizz housefoxes know how just to take the biggest loads imagined don't stop now, no reason to break your brain is long abandoned a ditzy

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Bareback Boys' Sexcapade

Then again, eve can be really ditzy at time. but more about alexandre and lillian. i'm generally more attracted to women, but i don't mind a man who loves dominating.

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Academy Life

A rather ditzy sounding girl said with a note of glee in her voice, but when asked how she knew this by another girl she simply replied with a dazed "i don't know..."

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Snow Fox'ed

A slightly ditzy voice from behind called out. it was the rabbit sara, also known for "ohmigod-this-one-time-at-band-camp" stories. silver turns around and responds non-enthustically "hey."

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.04: Enter the Lowefangs - Ep.01

Some say they were attacked by demons, creatures from another world, but that's obviously nothing more than ditzy fairly tales!

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Zeran Redesign Concept

Sometimes he is considered to be a bit ditzy as sometimes things seem to go above his head though in reality he tends to put up this front to keep people off guard.

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