Bloodmoon chapter 2
Valeena looked to tharivol, "so you guys caught that drow?"
Horns & Halos CH4
The drow ungagged her, lifting her chin up with a talon. "so what's your name pretty little thing?", the drow asked, running a talon through her black-and-blue striped hair.
Pet: The Tavern
- - - no slave of the drow was allowed to wear clothes.
Dragon By Day P7
I-" the drow started to say before he was silenced with a claw placed gently on his lips. "i want you, ash," the dragon said bluntly, taking the drow by surprise as he leaned in.
A Most Dangerous Game (4/10)
Even though the stingray knew exactly what was going on with the drow shi continued to go through the motions to keep their target in the game.
Suck Dick at Sunset
Stella knelt down beside him and the drow unzipped his pants.
And now for someone completely different.
One of the bow-wielding elves said to the group of chompies and drow. one of the drow stepped forward. jillian deduced that whoever this drow was, she (or he) must have been some kind of spellcaster.
Introduction Part 2
Those arms, freynis noticed, were glistening, as was the rest of the drow boy's ebon skin.
Eilistraee (Kreet - 39)
Eilistraee sang of her people, the drow, doomed to live in the underdark for eternity. the constant strife, both within the drow community and with those who lived in the light outside. the drow were meant for better than this.
To the Stables
The drow had his work cut out of him.
Introduction Part 1
The drow had not even finished his orgasm; more warm, heavy spurts were falling upon freynis's chin and neck when the drow let out his pleasured gasp.
"don't worry cuntboi, i'll get around to fucking you both once we get home.", the drow said.