Raising Sugar - Chapter Five - Clean Up

Sugar didn't look up as they drove through the city of Homeburrow. Instead, she watched her toes curling against the floorboard as she felt the seed and juices drain out of her body into the blanket beneath her. She did not know what to...

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Reality (Kreet 62)

"but now you extort..." "and they don't pay taxes to the city! yes, we lean on them for money, to pay the band for protection. ask anyone up here in the guarded sections how much they pay in taxes!

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Goldenmane Chapter IV: Performance Management

The operation, as near as we can make out, involves some form of grand international government level extortion.

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Healing Knight

Sir claydon quired 'sorry sir knight but if you want two beds it's double what you gave me' the room had been 6 gold coins, so 12... this was extortion!

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They think that they can extort me? i'll show them extortion, and you're going to give me the information i need to get started." "you're crazy, fox. you know what they do to squealers?" "do you know what i'll do to you if you don't help me?

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Twined Heart

At the edge of a town busy with people and merchants passing here and there, a thicket of trees marked the border of a forest where few traveled. There were creatures and beasts within the forest that made it wiser to take a detour, but there was...

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A New World | Prologue & Teaser

. :) ~miko **january 1st2215 | time: 1500 hours | mason orlan, lupine, arctic wolf | 17 solar cycles** **convicted of; murder, cyber terrorism, extortion, rebellion, and vandalism** **sentence; to be executed privately at 1600 hours on january the 1st

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The Sorrows of the Church

Not long after inheriting the smithy he was imprisoned for outrageous grounds such as accusations of heresy and other crimes that seem unlikely to be linked to him, one thing was certain though, he was being extorted and blackmailed and these so called shepherds

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"The Countess" Parts 3 and 4

"the countess and her men come every night, and they beat us and try to extort us." "it's alright, we're here to stop her tyranny." darek reassured. "you will try, and you will fail." sir amiel leaned in close to sir mikael.

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AnOtter Story

Anal costs extra, if they let you, and they get to keep whatever they can extort from the customer for it, and that helps, too." then, grinning mischievously, she states, "it's a slow night; i'll let you play with those two hot-heads for twelve silvers.

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Biography of Akechi Akio

He created tools for hacking computers and breaking open vaults and safes for the kameyama family, allowing them to take their extortion racket in toronto to a whole new level; those who didn't pay their protection fees were instead robbed of every cent they

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