Blackness O Thy Wings
Under the resounding lights and spectacles, there was always some gritty truths one is better off not knowing.
The Instinct
Impossibly gritty, basically. he fought every urge to cough it up as he raised his head and swallowed the mouthful. almost immediately, something broke within him.
Sonic: Welcome Home Princess
The young girl panted as she rushed through the dingy, dirty streets. Her booted feet pounded the ground with the force of her steps, propelling her along at a speed that could only be described as frenzied panic. Her small, but perfect breasts heaved...
Et tu, Brutus?
I was encased up to my shoulders in hot, gritty, disgusting dog shit.
Cream of Rauliflower [Sketch]
A little stringy bit of black reminded him of the shirt he was wearing today; some strands of grey looked like that had unraveled themselves from the underwear he'd been wearing for the past two weeks or so, now with a gritty, flaky smear of dried stuff on
A Most Courteous Apocalypse
Her features were asymmetrical and smooth from erosion, and the gritty blue marbles that she had for eyes rolled this way and that in her head.
Lost In Battle - Part 1
The sand was gritty between my toes. was this for real? it didn't matter at this point, it was real enough. i crept through the warm jungle as i began to pant, i was getting tired.
Fat Bear Week: Night of the Living Starches
The bad news was that the grittiness i tasted was the plant's seeds... that was why the plant was so eager to be eaten.
Poem #22
The sheets feel like sandpaper, coarse and gritty, scraping at my skin. as my eyes close, suddenly i feel myself floating, as i turn, twirling in the air, my muscles respond.
Adventures in Dunwyn part.1
Yer mouth is much tighter than gritti's." he said. 11 as gruffi's mouth began filling with the large bears cock and precum, his mind began to daze and get foggy. he was not fighting back as he thought he should.
The show pt.1
So we made "the show" where we take inmates from death row and stick them into the worst parts of the world so we can watch them in the gritty real world as they fend for them selfs but obviously we would give you some help to start you off but after
To Worship the Stars
She ate slowly, savoring the rough, gritty texture on her tongue and the sweet wheat flavor. the streets bustled with anthros and starburst smiled as the laughter of children reached her ears.