The Tales of Sorath (chapter one)

First of all no concealable handgun could shoot anything close to this bullet. second of all no human could hold onto a handgun like this even if a handgun could fire this bullet. it is way too heavy and the recoil would be huge."


Sarf and the Soldier

The soldier drags himself over top of sarf, he slowly raises his handgun. another explosion of thunder rumbles in the distance. the soldier flinches and drops the handgun, he looks down at sarf, fear and pain showing in his eyes.

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Seeker Origins: Chapter Six

The handgun with it before the feline could even pull the trigger.

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Blood Red: Chapter Eight: Old Faces (part 2)

I gritted my teeth and slowly reached down for my handgun again, ignoring the situation behind me and focusing on the one in front.

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A Dino's Crisis 7 - James, Wake Up

James kept cover with his handgun, strafing, covering corners, eventually finding a mean-looking assault rifle and taking it instead with the handgun in his small pouch, barely fitting so he had to be careful with it not falling out.

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Character's Weapons

-atohi: -handguns: -like hraefn atohi takes a more old west / southern, traditional approach to guns and thus also carries a .357 magnum for the same reasons hraefn does.

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Beasts, Arc I: Un-Bear-able (Part 6)

Reilcuf frowned when he noticed that welton was also carrying the handgun they were fighting over a few minutes ago. welton stood to the best of his ability, painfully raising his right arm and pointing the handgun at reilcuf.

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Demon War Chapter 4

The scout fell, blood dripping from its jaws as tobias finished it off, slicing through the demon's legs first before opening fire once more with his handguns point blank into it's skull.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 12: Quicksilver's Silver Shadow!

The handgun went off twice before lazz finally over powered wild horn and took the revolver. just then wild horn pulled out his second handgun and fired two bullets at lazz and hit him.

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Seeker Origins: Chapter Ten

Still, as long as you stayed out of knife-range, you were mostly alright, 'mostly' implying that anyone who wasn't holding a knife was holding a handgun. the trick was to not be 'mostly alright' and hold a handgun of you own.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 8: Unbeatable enemy!

Just then, rio pulled out his handgun the s&m 9mm, and tried to take aim at wild horn, but wild horn quickly and effortlessly shot the handgun out of rio's hands. "i have one shot left. i have never been pushed this far before kid.

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Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight P4

Quickly, the fox ran behind a compression tank, lowering himself against it as his handgun pointed around the side. but as he did, the scorpion-like robots began to open fire!

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