December's Hope

Though it's not the dim green and red lights haphazardly placed on doors of businesses, it's the light from inside us, filling our empty voids in our chests.

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Masked Puppet

The haphazard prop closet holds an astounding gift an array of faces stitched with the finest silk. such beauty shines upon the actor's non-existent eyes, they look so practical, so naturalistic. yet, they feel so fabricated. such a tease.

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A Life In Chains: Chapter Eight

There was a light moan from the bed; i looked back to see seht, naked and aroused, sleeping with a blissful smile on his face as his body twisted under the haphazardly strewn sheets.

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Why I haven't uploaded in ages 1-1

You step haphazardly around the puddle. while you are thirsty you know better then to drink from stagnant water.

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The Experimentals

The experimentals (c) faolan bartholomew two thousand teenagers ranging from ages fifteen to nineteen, were standing in a giant auditorium in a haphazard mass looking around murmuring to themselves about why they had been taken here

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Detention (Otherwise Untitled)

Remaining persistently in her line of view was the duct tape haphazardly around her beak, sealing it shut. the other matter was also heard, as the naked wolf sat a few feet away on the same bench she was chained to.

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Waiting for Rescue (Otherwise Untitled)

~ a hand groped haphazardly about the controls on the wall, until the alarm was suppressed. the bunny let out a frustrated groan within moments, sliding out from amongst the blankets and out of bed.

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Sjach's Story - Chapter 1: Beginnings

The mottled mess of tangled locks slew haphazardly over his brow, hiding the hazel eyes partially beneath their sooty and dirty 'nestings'.

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Stuff the Deer (Vore Story)

The wolf asked, looking at all the various bags that he had just sort of haphazardly grabbed, not really seeming to gravitate towards any one in particular.

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Only Fair

He leaves it there for a few moments before easing back and pushing in quickly and haphazardly again. his tongue is very broad, and you feel it curl up past the tightness of your muscle.

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Field Research - Thesis and Introduction

But for me, to explore myself in the slapdash and haphazard way that most approach these subjects, muddying them in the waters of relationships? no, that is not for me. i've always been an analytical type.

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Breakfast of Corn (Otherwise Untitled)

The jackalope, who admitted his name to be linda during the previous night's flirtations, seemed like a ragdoll tangled amongst the haphazard bedding when regarded against the ball of nerves he had been the night before wearing.

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