Investigative Work
"look, bryce, we came here to have a good time, we don't have to talk about the investigation if you don't want too," i stated, trying to alter his expression. wide-eyed i watched as bryce slurped up the rest of his beer as if it were water.
Samus's Investigation
The federation wanted samus to investigate a series of strange disappearances that happened at each planet the popstar visited.
Investigating the Mistery
We were coming to investigate the source of that fog." he pointed towards the valley. only to realize that the mist were rolling from this very cave. in fact, it was pooling about the stranger's feet. she seemed to perch on it, rather than sink in.
03 - Investigations
"your injuries were the result of a crime, and that has to be investigated." craig forced himself to relax. "okay."
27: Investigation
"I'm coming, for Celestia's sake!" Vinyl shouted as she slowly trudged down the stairs to answer her door. Grumbling in annoyance that it was probably some salespony who didn't understand that just because the sun was beginning to rise didn't mean that...
"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part C
Winterbough continues his investigation into the mysterious attack upon a brother of the albric tor cathedral chapter... \*\*\*\*\* (c/\* 7/17/2013) i've got an arrangement now with
Investigation - Act 1
Part 1 The huddled shape breathed slow and deep, visualizing the act as he did. Eyes closed, one breath in, one breath out. His arms hugging his body tightly, on his knees, naked on the forest floor. The clear morning sky slowly brightened, now...
losing hope/first steps ch12.
I look over Alex's body for a long time inspecting the large gunshot wound in his head, * * * I start to poke at it, it feels fleashy and sticky flies buzz around me I swat them but they don't go away I take out my phone and call a local tow service...
Venturing: Same Ticks
Natty raised her claw at him, growling "we will investigate that later. as of now." she started, "we need to interview you and explore your building for a moment, sir. we are led here to believe that you are the owner of these devices."
Aster 1-2
In this episode, a fox and a bull, partners against crime, investigate the bloody remains of a criminal after a suicide.
What You Don't See Coming
Why did Crossroads City have a good dosage of crazies? I asked myself that each time a less-than-stable denizen stumbled into the coffee shop,...
The White Robe Chapter 26
Corbett stood up from the chair and stretched, surveying the room that he'd just spent the last six hours in. Two pizza boxes and an empty soda bottle rested on a folding table off to the side with a small stack of paper plates on the edge. Two...