The Mythical Incursion 10 - Diplomatic Pressure

I'm the better rabbit, and i will save her as her littermate." "it's always like this with you - you think that you're the best when you aren't. trust in your siblings for once!" "prove me wrong then."

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Chapter 4: The Vixen in the Northeast Wing

Homeschooled by his parents, pete had only encountered predators when his family went out, and then he'd had his parents and littermates to protect him. there was safety in numbers, his mother had said.

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Care Package

Her littermate, off on his first real botanical expedition. wide, deep mountains behind him, glowing with green. and in the center, the largest picture.

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Earning Her Trust (Episode 2.5)

She was now completely naked, showing off her athletically-toned body and c-cup breasts to her littermate.

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The Mythical Incursion 9 - Only the Best

I have to save my littermate." "we'll save her. don't worry," nick said. "i already gave you a chance." janet rushed out of the bathtub. she ran to melody's room. "i challenge you to a duel."

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He was a friend who was closer to me than any natural littermate and now his death leaves a hole in my heart- in everyone's heart that just cannot be filled.

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Lagomorphs -- Chapter 24: Diver's Return

While swimmer used the toilet to clean himself, his younger littermate dozed off right there on the floor. the pad under the bed was only a foot away, but he must have been both mentally and physically exhausted.

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Chapter 1

I had no littermates, just a brother who had been dead for six centuries, from a race now nearly extinct. i felt very alone, and i clung to the past, which i knew was real. nevertheless, sin was a part of that, how could i just walk away?

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It's All in the Family - Chapter 1

A sister and a brother who, being littermates, were twins. the howl of a houndoom sounded in the distance and woke the cubs. both yawned sleepily and looked at each other. "what was that?" asked the male, named fir.

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The beginning of Winter

He plunged towards them, his tail wagging furiously, his own barks meeting those of his littermates, the newest litter not yet conceived.

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Teaser: The After-party

Like that, the littermates were peering up into my shorts, too, heat rising to my cheeks. three pups, and the two chihuahuas watched in rapt excitement through one leg as the shiba ate me out through the other.

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 28: Implications

He and his littermates had groomed one another when he was young, but they obviously hadn't known what they were doing. of course, the fosters had always insisted that he brush himself. he'd never felt close enough to anyone since then to ask.

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