Training Between Suspensions
The earbuds continued their mantra, and he just did his best to ignore it.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Seven
"you've chosen _cogito et creo_ as your mantra," mcgus went on. they were sitting at the arena's edge, safely out of my way. "latin for _'think and create.'_fitting. what's the purpose of a mantra during meditation?"
The Casebook of Dr. Exeter, Chapter Three
Here i sad down and began to chant the mantras from the possessicon.
The Age of Cyber: Prologue
Hillevi "night mantra" ekelance © me length: 1,603 words. 8,857 characters.
Losing his Celestial Seed
Losing His Celestial Seed For Rhajaro By Draconicon Savyn had to admit, he'd been expecting there to be more danger with confronting the Celestial wotter. He'd heard stories about the dangerous warrior, how the hybrid had been the death of a number...
Feeding the Mechanic
Feeding the Mechanic Trent the Tetraquine smiled to himself as he walked up and down the halls of the spaceship. The small, squat spacecraft was just big enough for the five bounty hunters that had hired him, and he could already feel that it was...
The Start
June 26th, 2939, rhajaro mantra was granted an honorable discharge after 5 years active service as a pilot & operator in the vanguard class, e-warfare fighter nicknamed, sparky.
On-Again, Off-Again [Subscriber Reward]
I let them continue with the mantra - the best way to keep someone brainless is to give them something repetitive. thinking of 'nothing' is hard. being trapped in a mantra that keeps all the other thoughts away? way easier.
The Recruiting Ground [Commission]
The Recruiting Ground Story for JackDuRoi 18+ CW: Abusive language, gaslighting, ego death Tonight's the night I'm breaking my record. I can feel it. Every Saturday I hit a club. Any old club, really, anywhere where there's cute...
Kurama no Kyuubi: Boruto Time Slip
And boruto felt nothing but pleasure as he lost himself in his mantras. * * * boruto was so lost in his mantras that he almost didn't hear when kurama told him to stop.
First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part Six (2/??) -- {Peace}
A booming voice from the commander, as his mantra flared, breaking every sound barrier inside the courtroom. "you are not to speak unless spoken to, prisoner."
Kurama No Kyuubi: Inuzuka Obedience Training
"until i tell you to stop, whenever you are given a command you will repeat the appropriate mantra. you will shout it as loud as you can. the louder you shout the truer it is. every time you say them the mantras become even more true.