The Wetlands
The past few months had been an arduous journey. He dared not recount the events that had transpired and chose to set his mind on today and look forward to tomorrow. While Ulrich may not have wanted to linger on the amount of suffering and struggling...
Breaking point
What made matters worse, both nikki and fern's natual daughter shana loved these new gardens.
My Hero and Me: My Greatest Adventure Ever: Chapter 21: A New World
Eventually the path veered to the left, so we natually turned left to continue on that path. we kept our weapons held onto in case we get ambushed by anymore monsters. soon we made a few more turns into the cavern.
A Glimmer of Light in the Void: Chapter 8 Part 1
That is if steve could get through those damn scales that were acting like natual flexible battle armor. ah phooey some guys just had all the luck it seems. luckily steve had all the skill and experience needed to even those odds.
The Moon Coin
Kelly however, shook her head and told sally that she wanted her mother to get through this natually, fearing that simply using the coin to make it go away might do more damage in the long run.