Slave Trade - Covut
Slave Trade Covut copyright 2013 comidacomida For the first time in a long time, Sidney was able to remember having good dreams. He was flying free, soaring through the sky at some point with the wind on his face and the sun on his back. He was also...
"stupid bunny, you deserve this exactly because you're nobility!" sheera snapped. faye looked at her with utter confusion on her face. "what are you talking about!?" sheera scoffed. "typical. all you nobility types are the same.
The Lead Crown, Ch 8.6 Malcom (Part A)
Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 8.6, Malcom (pt A) The words felt odd in his muzzle but Brother Rhys attempted them never the less. He slowly and carefully enunciated each syllable... and the strange run-together syllables seemingly so common in...
The Lead Crown, Chapter 1-6: Noriene
Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 1-6, Noriene The discomfort of not knowing actually bothered Noriene Sandoval more than her injured arm. The damage to her extremity was able to be limited with bandages to secure and a sling to immobilize. There...
Employer's Preferences
Employer's Preferences For SuperDuperDog By Draconicon Morris had been working for the local stallion lord for a few months now, and he had noticed, more than once, that the horse noble had been eyeing him. The mercenary...
A Royal Catastrophe
nobility was still filing in to the royal court as the sun shined directly overhead.
Changeling, the Dreaming - A Basic Introduction
Because they are nobility by birth, all sidhe belong to one of the noble houses, where as membership is optional for commoners.
Little Star Chapter 3
There, she saw canterlot nobility hanging around. the all glanced at her before lifting their snouts in the air. 'typical canterlot nobility. can't wait to see you run into something with that move.'
These traits were prized by those who wished to employ him as an odd curiosity to impress other bored members of nobility.
What Is To Belong
Doesn't your nobility put prose to the page so that later humans may learn of their past?" "nobility?" "your lords and ladies, leaders of whatever you call the 'human court.'" "uh... the senate?" "who is your king?" "we don't have one."
Chapter 1 - A gift most rare
They deal with other nations and concerns from the nobility, also holding a limited hand on trade, while they can form deals the lord of coin has the final say.
The Lead Crown: Ch 4a, It's Pronounced Cameo (Pt 5)
Nicholas was not quite in such high spirits, "nobility--" he loosed a very healthy phlegm ball onto the street, "-- i can hardly reign in my excitement."