Just Another Day
It swelled up into his cheeks, and little bits of brown began to spurt out his nose.
Our Human Masks, Chapter 3
Mom had already scolded me for the flick on the nose i'd given her. she'd likely think i'd purposefully spied on dad punishing her. i mean, it would be nice to show her what it's like to be scared.
The Expedition. The Rescue. (Extra Chapter)
"This place is foggy as hell...." Said Vaccine, after coughing a little some due to the cold foggy invading his Canine snout and entering his lungs. Vaccine was a young, mid-twenties, anthropomorphic Husky whose base fur colors were...
Doodle Story: Follow Your Nose
I don't need him and his goddamn intolerant nose! if he doesn't want me, fine. i'm fine without him! i--ow!!"
Yellow Eyes Are The New Powdered Noses
The man sniffed and turned his nose up. "i'm sorry, sir, but i'm sure i don't know what you're talking about."
Pokemon Boarding School: Disciplining Troublemakers
It constantly assaulted him as long as his nose was in contact with the principal's crotch, and with mister motzer's grip, it didn't seem like that'd end any time soon.
Typical Friday
Up the ass or, as we later discovered, in the nose works a lot more quickly and the high is much stronger.
"One Nasty Romp" - Story by Kaz
Hard into the crease of his thigh, the grease smearing into his fur and sticking to his nose.
The shuttlecraft boarding party
Monday morning. To Ernestor, it was going to be just another ordinary day, but to Valargent, this Monday was going to be an adventure, probably the undertaking that could change his life. Ernestor was a Senior Lieutenant, the goat was around the...
Sticking your...nose where it doesn't belong.
Something else drew him on though, he could hear laughter alongside the music, and delicious smells reached up the hallway and met his sensitive nose as he descended.
RG4-The Deflowering of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
The young buck looked back at dasher uncertainly as the boyishly handsome stag slipped his arms under rudolph's armpits, pinning the red-nosed reindeer against the slightly taller stag's chest.
Iron Author #8: An Orgy in Your Nose
He panted hard as he worked himself up, the smells gathering in his nose pressing his buttons. the next smell was the strongest and one that he wanted to smell the most.