My first story naga/female will turn vore later on

Lymix started going faster she was paralized in climaxes the naga felt like she had died and went to a better place. she almost felt bad for what was in her plan next.

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Blink of an Eye chapter 2

Simon paralized by fear, quivered in a fetal position pretending to be dead. he'd heard that trick worked on bears: he hoped it worked on dragons too.

Dream log entry 00a

He told me how he rememberd anytime he was poisend or paralized i would always heal him no doubt and if i was lacking something i rused to the pokemon center, he really liked how much i seemed to care.

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Spider Empire 04: Collector

Mark was paralized, the abs and muscles were great, but then he saw the man was starting moving towards him, the tentacle shift and moved in front of the creature, parallel to the floor... "who are you?"

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One single black tear fell from his demon eye, the eye that would paralize and robe the soul of the one who looked into it, the other was scard and sealed shut. then rage like never befor builded with in him "you...

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Once Bitten, Twice Shy 1

The girls tried to runaway but seeing their friend in danger caused them to be paralized with fear. the beast lunged at vince. the large female was big but that didnt mean it was slow.

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The Demon King's Revenge - Prologue

Beads of sweat started running down under the bird's feather as he stood paralized, watching the smirking king slowly getting closer to him every passing second in horror. "that's good... that's good..."

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Eilien and Jay: Cumming to the end.

He stuck his tongue in deep to her cold paralized cunt. suddenly a riger spasm caused her muscles to pop shooting some of his cum out of her into his mouth. "that's it. your retsu always knows how to get you off.

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Where in the world is Carmen... I mean the darklord.

I held him, for a minute i held him, crying, he was groaning in pain and i kept crying out for someone to call an ambulence, even though i knew he would more than likely die, he had allreaddy lost so much blood, and i was sure that he was paralized

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DA in Pokemon MBTY: Part III: A Hot Victory

Mightyena is paral- "zephyr rushed quickly to luke and punched him, sending him flying **(quick attack)** da growled and crossed his arms "damnit. luke use this!"

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Chapter 1

Tell me and i'll only paralize you halfway!!!!!!!!" he bellowed as he charged blindly towards the breathing. apparently, the group had suspected this, and had a large sheet stretched out infront of him.

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