Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Seven
"purification!." which while it didn't do any damage displaced the kunai enough that they missed horribly.
Zeldas Wrath
Majora felt the flames of purification building within the girl, the holy spell began to pull at the spirit.
The Minotaur and the Snake Prince
The boy was begging for forgiveness for his failings in life, was pleading with every fiber of his body as the ecstasy of the purification overwhelmed him.
Daryn - Resolve
**Resolve** Written By: Skabaard Daryn could sense the familiar auras of Valorie and his apprentice press against his wards as they approached his freshly reconstructed home. He lifted his great, horned head and pulled himself from his...
The priest took her to the nearby temple where a purification ritual was preformed to attempt to save her body and mind from the corruption that had poisoned her. when she woke at first she was dizzy and could not remember what had happened.
A Dragon of Another Color (2/2)
When he looked back up he saw the head of the other dragon swimming into the darkness and eldarin grinned as he held his purification stone before going in after him.
Shattered Glass: Sneak Peek of what's to come
"purification. all of them. they're having an event to celebrate the fags. they don't need any more support." "i see. is kyle suffering?" "he has now met his love john. he also seems to have picked up a little gay rat!"
A Rare Sight Ch.9-There's Always a Good and Bad Side
The lady coughed onto her hand, "allow me to introduce myself, my name is jade, i work for a top secret organization called purification." "is that supposed to stand for something?" i asked.
The Enlightened
This to was a part of the purification.
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 10
They're up for purification today." "ehehe... wow," kalei said uncomfortably. "that's pretty crazy..." "yeah. just goes to show what a messed up world it is out there, y'know?"
The Anthro Religion - (WIP)
For evil souls who had squandered there time in the mortal world by causing pain and suffering, staining the divine spark of life gifted to them by there creator, the dark pit awaited for there punishment and purification.
Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 4
Vanara shook her head, she could guess well enough the implications and neither wanted or needed to know what kind of torture some sanctimonious leonin priest considered purification.