Find the love
Said the racist..._ now this shows be that racist is still strong but not the way it once was. i'm not siding with one side, but i say that no matter what race you are, let there be love between fellow man, and woman, not a glass wall between the race.
Character bio For Taiku Altegrund
racism and murder why? they are his big 2 taboos what humiliates this character? being targeted by racism what most describes this character's personality?
The Changed "Prologue"
We are all made of the same stuff. But some people just think they're better than others. Now its race, sextuality, gender, even belief. This will never change. Even in a "New Age" where people have changed, and gone beond the limitations of the human...
"Give Up The Love: A Conversation In Which We Have Already Heard Your Part"
"Give Up The Love: A Conversation In Which We Have Already Heard Your Part" You've said your peace, my brother, Now it's time to listen up: If we want to see tomorrow Then you'd best give up the love While I don't know what Heaven...
Skater Rat - Contest (Part 1)
The two rodents trotted up the smooth, fine concrete which lead to the upper most tier of the large park and recreational center. This play-haven located on the central west side of the city was constructed on three levels, the lowest of which was...
Everything you want to know about Cheshires - Chapter 0
I absolutely loathe racist jokes and will not tolerate them in anyway what so ever. racism smacks of separation and elitism. it speaks of thoughtless feelings of superiority brought about by mindless arrogance.
It's So Easy
"well, i need to get a little bit better about what i say or people'll think i'm racist." "i don't think anyone will accuse you of being racist... you have too much of the deer-in-headlights look."
The big, silver fish in the room (2)
So just a couple seconds after the transformation their was the "Big white elephant in the room" but that was quickly over looked as a muscled great white shark started to writh on the floor gasping for air, so yeah kind of a distraction. We carried...
A Tale of Ashen Wings - Chapter 3: The Ursaren Captain
Mykolas had watched the scene unfurl from his captain's office. The curtains were drawn and the picture was clearly painted in the dawning light of overcast skies beginning to clear. He had witnessed the death of the last two Nords, and now watched as...
Croxymoronology Idiotus Hummus
Laterhosen panty racist stereotypes not 100% pie chart. nevar forgat 9/11. the flooding and likes and selfies and destruction made jokes. of nevar forgating hate.
Cyanide of Riddance chapter 4.
But they were really racist words. "no, honey!" boydane groaned. "they never censor racism! i'm talking about the words like ninxflunt!" "ooh. i could never say that. those are bad words."
The Digimon Wars Continued Chapter 8 Now It's Personal!
I will not tolerate racism in my home! understood?!'' surprisinly the digimon were not frightened, they were not scared. instead they cheered, in complete confusion michael smiled.