
raziel. in the stories, raziel was a fearsome fighter, capable of taking down a dozen of the army's best with his bare claws.

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Raziel Makes Tea (Game)

.) \<\<\< thanks for checking out my first game release, raziel makes tea, a text-based adventure where you play as a chimera (raziel), who is stuck in a dragon's lair and dealing with a serious craving for some tea.

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Blue: Chapter 20

raziel had made him watch as he tortured his father mercilessly, and had promised him the same fate if he failed in this mission. his name was hesediel. at least, that was the name raziel had given him when his father had joined seraph.

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Broken (Ch. 1)

raziel growled lowly at the comment, although he managed to rise from the ground, his paws nimbly feeling at his wrists to help release the dissolving tension.

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Portal Panties: Long Distance Amoosement

The big moose regularly pointed at her pussy, and would occasionally lean in and whisper something in raziel's ear, causing the tabby to blush furiously and nod his head.

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New Arrivals

Mike was quick to point this out, "see, look, raziel's left ear is black, but shiriki's is spotted. on that alone i can see that they're not the same dog."

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In a Manor of Speaking

raziel stood a good half foot taller than him, and though raziel couldn't remember his birthday, they had chosen to celebrate their fifteenth last month as if it were the same day.? ?

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Tiras Tivona (Deity)

She also made sure the modern sonet family doesn't impregnate each other, starting with steele and raziel after their fourth child was born.

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Early Morning Wake-Up Calls

raziel laughed at her and hugged her against him, a soft chuckle his only sound as he held her close to him in the early morning dawn light.

Sharp Shooter-Chapter 1- The Station

"raziel", he growled, "they said you can't be looked in the eyes, i thought it was a load of bullshit." "you thought wrong", i told him, "gun down, now."

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Portal Panties: The Test Run

Came a confused response, her boyfriend raziel appearing moments later around the corner rubbing his eyes.

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Tales from the Nexus: Dawn of the Dragon (Teaser)

Of his brothers under raziel, there was no contest that he was the most muscular and perhaps the heaviest. and all that weight was muscle, after all.

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