
Provoking it, don't let it recur, or you'll be missing a few fingers. its teeth are big, and so is its pinna. despite that, it's been a victim of its dwellers. the feel of fright, in its eyes. from critters, it hopelessly hides.

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A-Z stories

Hey i'm going to do an ongoing series of interconnected/ recurring characters short stories. here's my list thus far (subject to change). please note, that they may not be wrote in alphabetical or sequenced in this specific order.

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 9

#9 of breaking the barrier rainbow dash has a recurring dream where she is given an award. this would be fine, if not for the fact that it becomes all she can think about.

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The Deep Roads

Another one based around a recurring dream i keep having, more themes concerning water. i dream about water and fog a lot, mostly about being on the open ocean.

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I Dream of the Deep

Based off of a recurring dream i keep having involving buildings made out of water and buildings covered in it as far as the eye can see. its a little weird, because the dream was weird.

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Tremor City Rogues Gallery: Mad Cyrus

#4 of bios the description for my first recurring villain in tremor city. madaran "mad cyrus" cyrus or just "mad" for short.

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Dreamscape Intro

He did as he was used to, and now ran to the light, wondering if for once he could reach it, but instead he was brought back to his bed from the recurring nightmare. he was too powerful to lose to these nightmares.

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Burying Bones Chapter 5: Hybrids

Jade and jeovi have gotten quite close, the psychic type a great comfort and living security blanket for the previously broken fox as she still suffers through recurring nightmares about the hybrid zoroark.

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Inuyasha X Kohaku (part 3)

At the sight of the boy's feet, inuyasha gasped: he had always seen kohaku barefoot and licking his feet was his recurring fantasy. kohaku looked inuyasha and asked him: \<\\>.

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The Dreams Again

Every other night, the same recurring nightmare. gun shots. explosions. screams. fire. most people would say the screams are what get them the most. the blood curdling, heart wrenching screams. but for jack, it wasn't the screams. it was the fire.

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File #13 - "Epilogue"

Lieutenant commander muraco was in bad shape and has been suffering from recurring nightmares and traumatic episodes since he was released from victorious's control. i only know that it will take time for him to recover.

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"Death Song of the Ceruni"

#5 of poetry, both old and new i've had this recurring fantasy in my head for years recently, which resulted in the writing of my only science fiction story, "fireheart".

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