Dear Richard
In a town not too far away from a local town with a well known name, there were people walking around and minding their own business. Most were going to work or doing some kind of shopping when suddenly, one of them stopped. He suddenly stood...
Richard the Bat
"heya, richard. where are you off to in such a rush?" "they are having trouble in 3-b!" responded richard as he jogged past. "gods give you speed!"
Richard Cory
I was asked if i thought that richard would kill himself; i replied truthfully that richard was too much like his father and left it at that.
Richard Was a Dick
richard nodded, "how did you know?"
richard gets bailed out and told how to handle this situation by someone he never expected to see again.
Richard and the Fae - Ch07 2021-08-12
He only relaxed when he heard a familiar voice call out, "richard? richard?! are you in there? are you alright?"
richard takes part in a protest for wildtouched rights. inspired by many of the pictures i've gotten in the past in that vein. written by veronicafox posted using postybirb **title here by: veronicafoxx for: arrow** richard saw it coming.
Richard and the Fae - Ch05
The fae paused before he could finish, but richard had a good idea of what he meant.
Richard and the Fae - Ch04
richard wished that he could facepalm. **the end**
Richard and the Fae - Ch03
**the game begins by: veronicafoxx for: arrow** richard perched obediently on lord angelmaris's arm, looking around with interest.
Richard and the Fae - Ch02
richard pulled his head back, affronted. shard? "shard. short for richard. i thought it was very clever." richard rolled his own eyes and shook his head. "oh, think what you will, everyone else likes it.
Richard Roconca's Mate
I know it may sound strange, but when I was training the other day in my usual spot in the woods, I happened to hear some laughter and it caught my ever curious attention. I sneaked to a tree and peered around to see this human boy, immediately it...