Crimson Twilight: Chapter 1: Intro

The third was a half horse, half rotweiler taur. the centaur was carrying dan and jerral. "if you had just taken the money and left none of this would have happened. we didn't need you five, but you brought this on yourselves."

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Training for the Disabled List

Meanwhile the bigger rotweiller grunted under his breath with each rock of his hips. he bit his lips, holding back his second orgasm, this time a bead of thick white cum dripping onto the floor. he took his son's battering as well as he could.

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Fetish 2

A nervous rotweiller, her body sleek with muscles. a group of hyenas, although whether they were transsexuals or just had unusually large clitorises i couldn't tell. a kangaroo, stretching her surgically created pouch.

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Das ende eines lebens.

Die drei rotweiler sahen nun zu den beiden frauen und eddie grinste leicht. als er cleos antwort bestätigte. auch wenn er zugeben musste, das sich seine geschäfte auf dem schwarzmarkt abspielten.

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A Mile In Her Shoes

Lily's mind was a blank; face against the fence as she felt the rotweiller's drool landing on her. maybe this was good after all. maybe she was meant to be a toy for archer to breed.

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Tea Time With Bass and Sax

Bass," scrat said to the rotweiler, "good to have you and all that jazz, it's an-" a loud gunshot took a piece of wood from the back of the carriage. the horses yelped and began to sprint harder. sax groaned in annoyance and took up her weapon.

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Mika und Alex - Teil 8

Als der rotweiler die wohnzimmertür öffnete konnte er es erst nicht fassen. „was, was ist denn hier passiert? ein aquarium, und, und neue möbel und der fernseher! habt ihr uns deshalb in den urlaub geschickt?" grinste er.

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Too Late, Just in Time, Ch 1

While he couldn't fault himself the lack of a rotweiler physique, he was certainly glad he wasn't like some of the greyhounds he'd seen.

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Fifteen Minutes (Neon City, Book 2): Chapter Six

The other rotweiller launched at jack, but taura intercepted him with a forearm across his chest. his legs slid out from under him and he dropped, slamming the back of his head against the floor.

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Toy Cricket

Cricket opened the door and was shocked, she thought a smoking circus clown and a bear were at the door but quickly realised it was an old woman and a rotweiler toy. the woman tossed a cigarette in the yard.

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Maranatha - Chapter IX, as told by Reiner Kierkegaard

Diego, the rotweiler onmy left, scrratches the scar over his eye like he walways does when he's trying to ponder something with that slow-ass brain of his. "so how're you going to get out?"

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Toy Cricket, The Extended Rewrite

Cricket opened the door and was shocked, she thought a smoking circus clown and a bear were at the door but quickly realized it was an old woman and a rotweiler toy. the woman tossed a cigarette in the yard.

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