Walk of Shame
All characters and fictional locations are the intellectual property of banditfromtheeast © 2018 all rights reserved walk of shame _peter: i've got an itch that needs scratching, make sure that you pick up the necessary stuff_ it honestly was a pretty
Sweet Shame
. :3 **sweet shame** "really though, just look at the guy. look how cute he is!" misha didn't think much of the conversation he heard as he wandered past a small group of ladies seated on a picnic bench at the park.
A shameful ad
But he didn't feel shame or guilt, for his heart was full of life and joy like he never experienced before. without a doubt, he opened the door and get inside the bathroom.
Dragoness' Shame
She didn't mind though, that haze, that cloud of scents and tastes helped mask the shame, the embarrassment of doing such a thing with a lesser creature, but that same shame caused her body to tremble, her tail to lash against the ground.
Shameful Felines...
#7 of a shameful secret dunlup is summoned to a noble house across the border in the land of felines...
This one is about my thoughts on the difference between shame and guilt. keep in mind this is just my thoughts/partially my own experiences here. * * * shame is pointless. shame is worthless. shame is useless. shame is meaningless.
War - Chapter 3 - Paul
For the first few years of our lives, fear is an entirely different beast then when we grow and mature. As a child countless things frighten us, even the most mundane item sitting around your home is a predator prepared to rip your throat out, to end...
Have You No Shame?
_have you no shame?_" the words struck the younger whore like a stone. she glared at the older woman with hatred and malevolence, then smirked again. "what have i to be shameful for?
Riding Shame (poem)
She no wait, but she know me intake purge, it's my disease hold me closer let me be hold me closer let me go away barely know you know my name trip the witch and ride the shame just because you're so cliched it don't mean you won't get
A shameful secret 3
#3 of a shameful secret dunlup uses his new found wealth and standing to get more of what he wants...
A shameful secret 6
#6 of a shameful secret dunlup finally publicly castrates brodar... while trev is summoned to the mayors house. a shameful secret 6 "so i've come to discover that you noble stallions have a number of delightful kinks."
A shameful secret 4
#4 of a shameful secret dunlup takes his place as the head of rollan's household... rp-ed ith the pleasurable boinggoat a shameful secret 4 the knock at his door was soft and timid, dunlup smirked as he swaggered over opening the shop door.