How to Train Your Dragon Warrior
Man, even shifu would not do something so underhanded.
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 11
The silent vigil continued thusly, all eyes on the cross as everybody silently prayed for shifu. * * * quite some time had passed after the informal funeral service for shifu.
Honor In Blood Chapter 4
shifu slowly walked through the yard mumbling to himself. po stood up straighter and watched until shifu was walking past him and then roared out. "good morning, master!" "po..." shifu groaned. "what is it?" "it's morning!
Master Tigress' Place
"even if you kill me...master shifu will stop you." "shifu will never be able to defeat his own son." "he -" "and even if he one will believe you are a warrior with my parting gift."
Catching a Tigress part 2
shifu said, telling his students. " yes master." both po and viper said to shifu,as they bowed to him. " uh yes master shifu ,we will." tigress said quickly,coming out of a trance like state.
Catching a Tigress Redone part 1
shifu said to them all,as he bow in respect to them. " we will not, master shifu." all 3 of them, said to him as they bow back too shfiu in respect.
Tin Man: chapter 1
The only reply came from shifu " thats what we would like to know.''
Crane and Shen's hidden secret
Let me get master shifu and see if we can remove this bandages now. an hour later, tigress and monkey were replacing a few of crane's bandages as he told them and shifu what had happened. "are you crazy?
Beneath the Tree
By now shifu was openly staring, his own member gliding through his hand, lubed with copious precum.
Po's New Power of Love
While it sounds nice it paper, shifu isn't the biggest fan of his student's methods.
Honor In Blood Chapter 3
"hey, massa shifu!" crane yelled at shifu who was standing at the foot of the steps. "you make a cute mai ling!" "what is wrong with him?!" shifu demanded of mantis and monkey.
Furious Five vs The White Ferret
shifu had run them through every drill under the sun and then some. poor viper had to call it early. truthfully, tigress had almost been ready to ask shifu for a break as well.