Dragon... shy? 4

_Kapitel 4: Das Näherkommen..._ Es war schon eine Menge Zeit vergangen, seitdem die Party zu Ende war. Es wurde immerhin schon Mitternacht. Kevin, für dem diese Feier als Willkommens-Geschenk geplant war, wartete geduldig mit Fluttershy, Twilight...

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Dragon... shy? 3

_Kapitel 3: Seelenverwandtschaft_ Sugar Cube Corner war ein riesiges Gebäude, das inmitten der Stadt von Ponyville empor ragte. Es erinnerte vom Stil her an ein Pfefferkuchenhaus aus alten Kindermärchen. Das Dach des Gebäudes bestand aus Lebkuchen...

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Dragon... shy? 2

_Kapitel 2: Die Suche nach Antworten_ Nach mehreren Stunden Schlaf, wachte ein großer, junger, weißer Drache mit blonden Haaren, dessen Name Kevin war, mit einem lauten Gähnen auf und streckte sich, blieb jedoch noch liegen und ließ das erste...

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1.8 - Twice Shy

A shy smile. " ... i know. i'll, uh ... tell the bridge crew." her tail gave a swooping swish. "you wanna tell the rest of the ship?" "not until it's over. if i tell them before, some will get panicky, try to change my mind. it's for the best.

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Dragon... shy? 5

Nach einem warmen, vegetarischen Essen, gingen Fluttershy; ein Ponymädchen mit gelben Fell und pinke Frisur und gleichfarbigen Schweif; und Kevin; ein weißgeschuppter Drachenjunge mit blonden, stacheligen Haaren; den Weg durch die Straßen der Stadt...

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A little Shy interlude

"why are you in my water glass, shy. you're doing your thing again aren't you. stop it, they haven't invented telephones yet." shy, deeply embarrassed, asked her about what she had said to him yesterday.

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Sayomi and Tobi

It was early morning and sayomi came downstairs, Wearing a baggy Shirt and boxer's, Hair all messy. And he stumbled into the kitchen yawning and ruffling his hair. His sister Tobi was already downstairs laying in the living room, yawning and watching...

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Bunnie story Chapter one

I was too shy to just go up and say hi, the fear of messing up and ruining a first impression made me think more.

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Big Mac likes the shy ones

She just couldn't resist, he was just such a caring pony, and she was far too shy to say anything to him.

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Thinking of You-A short freeform poem

Thinking of you a pair of foxes sit on the bed, both too shy to look each other in the eye. wasn't this uncharacteristic? foxes being known for their renown in this area. and yet the silence hung heavy around them.

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New body and Poke Park: Chapter 1

Who knows, maybe with a certain shy and adorable riolu." "um, o-okay, bye." as ash run deeper into the park the ditto continued to smile and wave. 'aww, what a cute little pup.'

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Cody's Love: Part One

Cody Graham opened his bleary eyes to the sound of his blaring alarm clock. He slammed his hand on the alarm, instantly silencing his small room. He murred happily as he stretched his arms and legs, his toes pressed against the wood paneling on the...

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