The door opened and some lab technicians entered, "hello mewtwo. i hope it's been a good morning." "mewtwo," replied mewtwo. professor birch walked in with professor oak after the technicians.
This Way Madness Lies - Chapter 4 (Rewrite)
The door at the far end of the examination room slid back and two technicians entered.
The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Punishment through Pleasure
Now he watched, making soft moans, as the technician removed another tube, or really more of a sleeve, from another machine. the technician then took the sleeve and pushed it against the tip of kevin's penis, which was now slick with semen.
The technician ran over, but the group leader halted him with an arm, "don't startle him... i think he's only defending himself."
And they weren't cheap in the numbers that we had hired, so my technicians had an idea. why not get free labor?"
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 2: Going it Alone
The woman suddenly turned to face him, "dr ibrin, call him technician lagriss, or just technician."
Revealed: Chapter 13
Hawthorne, who had been quietly observing from behind the technician stepped up next to the technician, one hand rubbing his chin inquisitively. "what exactly appeared wrong?"
New Life
Asked the technician as he readies the machine. "i don't have a name." "you don't have a name? what did your parents call you then?" "i don't have any family." the technician looks at him shocked. "sorry i didn't know.
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 7 - A Nightmare In Reality
All the technicians raise their weapons at the smiling jackal. jack waves at them. "put them down damnit!" the soldiers hesitate. "do i need to repeat?!" all technicians lowered their weapons simultaneously.
The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Ten
Announced the army technician, consulting the big screen above them. steel shoved himself between him and talon. he was in charge here. "identification?" he asked, glancing at a female enforcer technician sitting nearby.
Blazing Bullet
"h-how..." the technician managed to exhale the breath that he was holding in out of fear.
Flares Bells (Welded Sunset)
She turned to plod over and sit down directly behind the lead technician, to simply glare down at him. though she loomed at twice his height, the technician paid her no heed.