Big Sister's Slumber Party: The Road Trip - Part 2

"i guess the lack of big cities is why you wanted to go to vermont, isn't it?" said alyssa. "sure is," said gerard.

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Big Sister's Slumber Party: The Road Trip - Part 1

Artemis and nadia smiled at the couple, who were abot to take a road trip from their home in indiana, all the way over to the state of vermont.

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Pride And Prejudice...

"first off... what the hell is an african cheetah doing out here in vermont?" "i don't suppose looking for cheetos would work?" the cheetah quipped, his eyes dancing with humor.

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The party! [PART 8]

Luna felt that joe was really angry and didn't want to tell him about the number he got and he really is tempted to call vermont. he got into his jacket as joe and the rest of the group got up too.

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Join The Family

It was pretty bad back in vermont, but at least there were no advisors meant as social control. with a nod she threw on her coat and snuck out of the zoo.

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When It Rains

Did you have many friends in vermont?" "a few. none of whom i'll particularly miss now that new jersey is my new home." "well hopefully you find some friends here and in the zoo." "thanks.

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It was a small town in vermont, commonly called middle-of-nowhere vermont by its residents.

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Taur Inc Chapter 2

Johnsbery, vermont. in north adams is the woodland creature branch. there, we make people into deer, moose, and bear taurs.

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A Simple Request

Moving out to vermont," he explained. the fox cycled through another breath of acrid smoke then offered his free paw to shake. "if you're not dicking around with me then it's nice to meet you i'm darell." darell. it seemed perfect. darell.

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Character Reference Sheet: Vincent

Name: vincent "psycker" vermont gender: male age: 31 species: spotted jackal nationality: italian born american power: long range telepathy. orientation: bisexual with male lean occupation: former field recon operative and sniper.


Of Selene, My Moon Goddess

"it's almost like the day in vermont." said chase. chase had just gotten done watching a horse race with his father at the estate in vermont, and the party, comprised of executives and their packs, strode into the garden.

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...And Something Else Besides

The sleek werecheetah had still not adjusted to the forests of vermont from the plains of africa, but he was improving... the feline rubbed the fur on the back of his neck, and crankily replied, "yes, i'm just fine...

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