Servicing a Trombonist

The brown bear put down his trombone case by the door to his roommate's bedroom. Opening the door, he instantly heard the light snore of his friend. The panda's snore was almost endearing. Ted could see the sweet smile on his face. Oh, how the panda...

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Sexual Adventures Of Jordan

She sucks in her stomach and her chubby cheeks. she had started gaining weight again. she slowly brings up a paw and presses her stomach further into herself trying to make herself skinnier that way.

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Chapter 1 - Car Trouble

It had been a great afternoon of BBQ and swimming and visiting with friends but things were winding down and everyone was heading out. Mutt went out to his truck but for some reason it wouldn't start, so he went back to the house to use the phone as...

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Dinner With Tyler

Disclaimer: This is a fictional, adult-orientated furry story and is not appropriate for readers under the age of 18. If you do not like M/M, furry, or any kind of sex, do not read this. I do not own the rights for brand names used in the...

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What Happens in Detention: Part 1

The chubby tiger sighed. aron was in his mid thirties and had been teaching for several years. one of his recent students, derek, a lion, was one of the troublemakers of his class. he did all of the usuall stuff, swearing, refusing to do work etc.

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2. Anna gets trunked 2

Hey all you furry readers out there, this is Kane777 talking to ya Before we get into this story I guess some of you read the prequel and read at the end I would make this M/F horse action. Well I would like to point out that I did not put M/F...

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Doodle Story: Cheese Guzzler

A chubby dragon goes to his favorite restaurant and has fun with a local cheese squirting hose.

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...The Virgin is Mine...

Part Two "...The Virgin is Mine..." There, heaving his tree trunk legs one at a time down the large staircase was their Godfather, Harold "Porky" Porkinson. He was the fattest pig in the room by major leaps and bounds, but not as...

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Schoolgirl Fantasies

Schoolgirl Fantasies Mordena is © her player. Mordena leaned back in her chair in class, the blue-furred snow leopard's shirt straining a bit as she stretched. Math was always boring, but for some reason it was particularly boring today....

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The Misadventures of Professor Lassavante Vol 1 - Winds Light To Moderate

My experience with aquatics in bed was limited before this point - since then i've encountered piratical tribal reef sharks in the caribbean, amazonian she-orcas, chubby bayou catfish and deviously minded dolphins, but that curvaceous, matronly eel was my

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Boys will be girls?

He stood up and slowly pulled his shirt up and off exposing his chubby tummy. tim sat and watched robbie smiling wide. robbie slowly pulled down his pants to expose his underware. tim rubbed his crotch, stood up and stripped quickly.

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Minimum Wage Wrestling #2

**Minimum Wage Wrestling #2** " **Single Bed"** **By Silverback Christianpaw** Working for minimum wage wrestling isn't always so glamorous. Sometimes the wrestlers have to travel to different cities and while they get paid to ply their craft, it's...

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