
Not exactly a development that took silas by surprise given the bad blood that usually lay between herbivores and carnivores; one that the highlander hare's explosive temper easily brought to the fore.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt.2)

I realised that the gossip in the village had been true he was quite the largest highland bull i had ever seen, his horns stretching almost twice as wide as his shoulders. behind me there was a quiet cough and click as the door closed.

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Of Men and Dragons: Chapter 21

That would also explain her way of dealing with the crowd of curious highlanders. "i'd listen to her words if i were you. trust me, you don't want to see her angry." he sat down on his haunches close to her, glaring over the crowd.

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Of Men and Dragons: Chapter 9

The humans who lived within the borders of albia called them "highlanders", probably because they lived in the mountains, but cyrvanyx never bothered asking. "you won´t be able to save him if you kill yourself!"

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In the Moonlit Mist

A highland bull friend of mine, a glaswegian, taught me the word "dumfoonert," and it sounds exactly like it feels. her lilting laugh was in no way cruel, merely amused.

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Chapter 9: The Vagabond Mercenary

In any case, i reached the border of grimmvale and crossed over without a problem into the highlands near talonguard. it would only be two days before i reached the closest settlement to the city. but i... experienced complications."

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I - Gryphon Thief or Peeping Tom

It was worth a fortune to the nobles in the highlands; he'd be able to buy every kind of exotic food he'd ever dreamed off, have a bath every day and relax any time he wanted in the company of his own personal harem of sexy gryphon ladies.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #16- A Fine See-Saw Series

Then telki holland (chinchilla, g, hnt) hit a long ball that was almost 3 points until tennessee head coach angus macpherson (highland bull, hc, ten) argued over a paw on the line.

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I, Dacien - Chapter Twelve - interlude II

"they had just come from xarbydis highlands," januisz pointed out. "the cleansing ritual requires a minimum of three." "ah," said sandor. "well then, convert them all," he said. "what else would we do?" "are they all suitable? timas?"

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Iconoclast reboot part 2

As we crested into the highlands, the trees became rare, surrounded by short grassland with herds of miscellaneous herbivores. we reach riverhold as the sun sets and the sky turns to flame, sending fire and shadow across the sands.

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The Dragon And The Steed - Part 2

It seemed unlikely to fray that this creature would have anything to do out in the highland forests on his own, apart from eat and sleep on his treasure. "i am curious, what is it that a dragon does with all the free time he must have?"

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Sigyn min sigewif: Beginnan

'well, we have to cut across the highlands to reach the nearest port to catch a ship across the wailord-road to the johto region.' i replied 'there we will enter the tournament, and see what these outsiders can do!'

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