I know What You’re Thinking

The skype calls were becoming more infrequent, though.

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Pluviophiles and Petrichor: Chapter 1

I looked up from my phone, having been checking my skype. "huh? oh. no, i wasn't thinking about going. too many people screaming. too many people drinking. too loud."

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Just a little surprise for you

I'll have to distribute my time between classes, my job and skyping with my boyfriend (yes, that's a high priority activity for us), and my free time. finally, please comment and rate the story, and if you have time, go read the other parts.

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Dating An Heir (Pt 10)

He was always easy going over skype. what happened?" i questioned in disbelief. "he's pretty good about most anything else. but call him stephen and he goes berserk." brooke said as she walked in. i looked over at brooke.

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Trevor's Trials: Addendum - Quality Bro Time

I was in bed, even if a particularly mature skype conversation with my boyfriend kept me awake for a little longer. my boyfriend's name is trevor.

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Sibirskaia: Your Local Twelve O'Clock News Part 2

Comment or pm me here, add me on skype, or email me at theottercoon[at]gmail.com and if you enjoyed this chapter, and want to support my efforts to write more, i welcome any donations you would be willing to give [!

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Chapter 4 (Todd)

Mostly, we get on skype every now and then." "oh. ok." i never knew this about him. usually when it came to talking about family, it was never brought up much before.

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We'll Get Caught!

"_ gritou wasn't sure if even perrin himself knew that the wolf's skype had been left open when he'd suddenly received the client and things had taken such a dangerous and...the orca had to admit, sexy turn. _"y-yes sir...

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A Silent Soul- Chapter 9

Ever since the night we skyped i felt something... but i didn't know the right time to tell you." he confessed. i stood there dumbfounded as i let the words sink in. my roommate... liked me?

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A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug: Chapter 13

If sir has anything to tell us at registration can you chat to me on skype later on tonight?" lejon's two best friends nodded, the concern in both their eyes was evident, but they would respect lejon's wish.

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Reality is all We Have : Prologue, Chapter One

We've skyped before so i know he isn't a creeper or something like that. we've been dating almost a year now. though, he is really busy so i don't get to talk to him as much as i would like." "oh. . ."

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On The Road Again (HH Season 6 Premiere!)

I noted, trying to sound casual about it, "but at least there's phones and skype and facebook stuff, right?" "yeah, sure," he said.

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