Quest for Corsurus Chapter One
"that opal an artifact of the god corsurus and was stolen from his temple!" of course the accusation that the god of justice had something stolen from another god demanded that he ensure the return of the gem.
Chapter Six
Further digs are underway but we uncovered some chemical vials from this area... but they were stolen. take a look at this."
The Society, CH 19
The tiger was ranting, going on about how denton had stolen his power, how he would get it back, and nothing could stop him.
Chapter Five
Further digs are underway but we uncovered some chemical vials from this area... but they were stolen. take a look at this."
Entranced Treat
The possessed deer tilted his stolen head curiously, towards the side with the intact antler. "what would that be?"
Taken by Force: Captured by a Dragon (erotic eBook teaser)
She'd stolen from the dragon's hoard and that meant that they had to be punished, that they would lose their life, that they would never again breathe fresh air.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Two
"the cube was stolen." _"stolen? by who?"_ i gritted my teeth. "by...a raccoon?" _"you,"_ he said in stunned disbelief, _"gave my escher cube to a--"_ "okay, look," i cut him off, "that's not important right now.
Sonic the Hedgehog: NIght Visitors part 2: Uncomfortable mission
"according to gun's records there were no weapons or dangerous tech stolen so the break-in was deemed low priority." nicole replied. "send a message to gun." sally told nicole.
Vent a Plea
Anxiety has stolen my very breath. disgust has settled its nest in the pits of my stomach. time has granted me a mercy of finally freezing everything. for now i can breath. i can finally scream. i've finally released that sob.
Recapitulation, Part 1
One the goons was really stupid, and instead of injecting me with the doc's solution to get rid of the trace venom in my system, he injected me with the stolen sample i'd been carrying.
Breaking the Brat 2
It was as if control of his own body had been stolen from him more effectively than anything that he had stolen from anyone before, and at that moment, in the hands of the white lion, he had no regrets.
Xeno's Grumpy Lover: Chapter 1
His words were stolen as he grunted.