Code Oblivion Rebellion: Second Interlude

Silent as the grave the angelic wolf flew towards aidan and gently deposited the sleeping wolf into his arms before he vanished leaving only a pocket-watch which hovered into kaelan's paw. all anybody could do was just gasp in shock.

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Wildstar Chronicles - Cubs of Wildstar Elementary Ch. 1

The two boys got ready, and they tapped a button on their sides of the machines, which caused the dragon to ball his fist, looking like he was going in for decking the angelic wolf right in the snout, before she reached her own paw up, gripping the fist, stopping

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Savory Miracles

Leaving me to wonder if the angelic wolfess was real or merely a guiding light. in either case she got me thinking in the right direction for later on tonight. seeing as i had a lot to do, i told bri that i was calling it a day to run some errands.

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GuyThreepwood Commission: Conflict pt.1

Like that chris angel wolf." he just grinned, sharing a sober joke with allen on the absolutely demolished feline. "oh god he's so hot. psychics are so hot." she added, looking at allen seriously. "and i don't get the rest of the magic either.

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Reaper Angelsea Campaign: Episode 2

The angelic wolf spread his wings and soared over jacob, landing on the upright coffin. he sat down, one leg draped over the other. "so jake, how was the sex?" jacob's hackles bristled. "that's none of your damn business!"

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My Great Big Brother - Where Wolves Dare

Language," remy chided as both of the angel wolves took the easier route of spreading their wings to glide down to katie. "alright, so how do we save him?" katie asked as she heard them land behind her.

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Wolves in Winter

The angelic wolf scrutinized him, perplexed by his motives. there was only one logical way to interpret that last order: it'd been for the dog's benefit.

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Reaper Angelsea Campaign: Episode 5

Isaac reaper stood beside him in his angelic wolf's form. they shared a smile and isaac turned towards the child. "because my son is growing up and he's come to understand that vengeance will solve nothing.

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Swiss Mix - Chapter 476-500

I have your favorite 'angel wolf' mecha queued up for you on system number four." "okay big brother," heidi said as she say at the indicated computer and put on her headset, "have fun with will and anna."

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Red Twilight Demon of the Flowers

Hetatsubachi steps in between the merfolk and the angel wolf "jloose, do you have an attack plan?"

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