Task Force - Prologue

It's called center seventeen. one of my hackers found it when he was searching the military's records for possible personnel and equipment we could use. it looks to be perfect.

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Doberman and Throbbin, Part 1, Daniel's story

I work for a computer company in the heart of london, though i'm not a ceo or even a vice president, no i work in an office situated in the technical call centre, basically when someone's computer system crashes my ears get bent, true it's a mundane

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Pandora's Box 05: The Grand Tour (Part 1)

Gold is labor, which ranges from retail to construction, from call centers to factory management. she said we would discuss the other colors when they became relevant.

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Hands Free

Sunday morning in the call center, and the place was empty and dead as usual. not too many drivers went out on the weekends so a skeleton crew of one could handle the call volume pretty easily.

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Interrupted Video Game

#5 of roommates a long shift at the call center had kyle emotionally beat when he walked into the house. gabriel, the large and muscular tiger was sitting on the couch, only wearing a pair of pajama bottoms.

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Eternal Universe - Chapter One

Sure, i had escaped the snide comments, the stressful work environment of the call centers, and my disabling migraines, but was it worth it?

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Blinded By The Past: Epilogue

Well, he did until jane hooked him up with a job at the call center she works for selling cellphones. now miles comes over on almost a daily basis, since he hitches a ride with jane to and from work. which i'm still debating if that's good or bad.

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With The Flow

Some of mano's friends back in india who had worked in call centers fell into that category. and those were just the problems faced by fish with only two arms, not even with six.

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The Aurora: Introductions

Victoria often wondered if the rabbit had spent time in a call centre for some large business. there was no way that inflection of exceeding politeness came naturally to anyone. "you should listen," dylan responded.

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The Wolf Soul - Part Nine

If you have an urgent matter regarding your own health or that of a patient you are kin to, select one to direct this call to the on-call center.

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Officer Friendly

Silencing his external speaker, reese established contact with lady eurynome's call center. "enforcer reese requesting judgment." "what is the question?" lady eurynome's voice replied in turn a split second later.

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Daddy's Sugar

It hadn't been all bad, working at the call center. being the maintenance tech meant he didn't have to deal with entitled customers yelling for the impossible, and he got to work on computers all day long.

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