Star Fox: Tiberium Wars (Chapter Three: Infection)

How many casualties did you devil dogs take?" johnson asked. "devil dogs?" the marine asked. johnson laughed, "oh, haha, i'm sorry.

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The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 5: Tension

"the eight of us took out the devil dogs just fine. maybe we'll scare 'em if we have numbers on our side. 'sides, they're gonna be worried now, knowing they're gonna be fighting a star fox member who killed three devil dogs by himself!"

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Taming the 'Beast'

Talba declared, having tired of watching the devil dog aggressively push at one of her mares. she got out a bridle big enough to fit him and hopped into the stall to put it on him.

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Chapter 21

The demon dog somehow lost his upper skull and because of that he exposed his not normal splitting maws commonly seen in demon dogs while he tore out the insides of a hellhound he was feasting.

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Corneria's Corps ch 2

"this devil dog ran me over here. she pulled my kevlar off, and, since it was dented into my head, it sliced it open." "we're going to get you help. slippy, get down here with a med kit."

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your choice on which story comes first

Discovering the legends (god of war, legends, centaurs, pegasus's, tg, gender shifting, pregnancy, series, aphodite, m/m, m/f, cerebsus, werewolf, demon dogs, etc) so these are the stories that i was thinking of it anyone has a story that they would



. ## living on the faded memories of a broken mother, her name not remembered, his once sacred soul 3 days to the day torn by crud-crusted demon dogs, leaving him decimated and forever desolate, grasping a crimson petal, tranquil and calm, not so the clamorous

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Demonology 101

Slowly be stroked back and forth, fingers combing through the thick fluff of the demon dog's stomach.

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Taste of the Beast

As the one who had finally broken the demon dog, he received no question or judgment in answer. he prided himself on being the only one able to approach zala without so much as a growl or a flick of the ears.

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The Sheppy Sister's Backstory

It didn't take long for the hunters to catch up, their demon dogs could pick up scents from far distances.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep06

Sasuga uttered as she got back up on her hooves and helplessly watched as kyle was about to become a meal for those demonic dogs. a fresh and very alive meal. _to be continued..._

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