Chapter 4: Karter's Past/Present (sequle to Karter's story: Chapter 3

We're living more like pray being constantly hunted by numberous hunters/doctors and nurses... \*internally screams\* not again... nope nope i am not going back to p4....

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[Gensou] Life's Lessons Learned In Death

and nurses that came to see hir under the threat of medications shi didn't want, it took nearly a month of evaluations before shi just...gave up and did what shi was told so they would leave hir alone.

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A Terrible Start ~ Part 2

Behind bane the doctor and nurse had left and were off to process some data and get some forms. "kyle cleared throat. "i'm felling fine. what about you?" bane smiled warmly. "i'm feeling fine, now."

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The City X

The doctors and nurses had stabilized them. jak walked over from a different icu unit, having seen pallas and tanz stabilized. she sat next to khopesh. "gonna tell her?" khopesh chuckled nervously, looking ovre to jak. "tell her what?" jak shrugged.


Won't miss it 'till it's gone

After it was clear that jacob was stable the doctor and nurse who had at first been responsible for supplying his medical needs had been replaced by an intern named radcliffe.

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Rylene Blackscales backstory(pre-lude to Fair Winds)

and nurse in hearing range to come running, the female soldier since there were two and one was female the other male, it was the male coming towards me and after what happened with my father i am both scared and hate men, the males partner ask all the men

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 18

I oversaw all the other knobby doctors and nurses on that ship and have treated everything from poison-laced wounds to amputated limbs. now, any other questions or two cents doubting my credentials, lads?" everyone shook their heads. "good."

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Blossom Brainwashed

."** ** after robert and melvin carried the sleeping blossom into the operation room, some doctors and nurses began to extract the chemical x from the little girl's body.

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X-Furs: Episode 2 - Awakening

A few minutes later the once big empty patient room now seemed too small because of all the doctors and nurses in there. "ho-how do you feel, young man?" a friendly looking doctor asked. "good. i think?" sebastian answered doubtfully.

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The Wolf's Requiem (part 2)

The next day went by in a blur for jake, visited by doctors, and nurses, only seeming to slow down for gale's visits. his mother and father came to visit him on the third and final day of his stay, asking all the questions parents always asked.

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Parallel Universe: Ch 9

The doctors and nurses rushed in and took care of the rest. the wolf sighed and sat down on one of the seats. his ears perked up and heard heavy footsteps heading his way. without looking up, he knew it was the child's family. "how is he?"

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Welcome to Secret Garden Academy

There will be a doctor and nurse here at different times of the day. you may visit them whenever you like." mrs. elin then bowed to them. "i do hope you enjoy your stay here, children." she then walked off.

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