Otter's Daily Life- Halloween Party, Part 3

#74 of otter's daily life kyle and jean's uncle jules lets them in on a family secret in his drunken stupor. jean couldn't believe her ears. she felt a burning in her panties almost as strong as her yearly heat.

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About Last Night... Part 1

He went over to isaac, who was still in a bit of a drunken stupor, and helped him take his helmet off. "wow...! i wash expecting you ta live in a trailer or shomethin'!" the border grinned from ear to lopsided ear. "you're gay, aren't ya?

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Edge Play - Chapter 3 – The Fox And The Hound – Stephen's Autobiography – Part 1 of ?

I blinked and stuttered in my drunken stupor, my inhibitions not quite intoxicated away enough for me to actually say anything worthwhile.

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The Book Signing Debacle

In my drunken stupor i'd become a dominant top and as soon as we got in the door i shoved the lion to the bed. i attempted to shed my clothes but needed help, and received it. then forced the lion on my cock. -- so yeah.

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A common desire

A comforting warmth slowly flew over him, blanketing his beaten frame as his body began to melt away again, the soft eyes drifting off into a drunken stupor. "_t-thank you._" the desperate eyes slowly traced into the eyes of the other, the savior.

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The End (Final)

You're saying this out of drunken stupor. i know you don't mean it." jet whispered, turning the kitsune around and rubbing his shoulders to try to calm him down. he hummed a familiar lullaby to try to sooth alec. alec slowly allowed himself to calm down.

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Lunch Break

Ron's dad hated fags, even more so when he was in his drunken stupors. if he found out his son was one of em' he'd probably lose his shit and more. ron had gotten out of there as soon as he turned 18 and now lived on his own.

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And from the feeling of things, in fact the last feeling he remembered before blacking out in a drunken stupor... he was going to have a comfy place to lounge on.

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Redemption (Chapter Two)

._ _he saw me and through his drunken stupor challenged me to a battle._ _i waved him off and continued to the door.

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Madarao's Love Quest

Yoshimori moaned in a drunken stupor. i just smiled at the angelic reference knowing full well that i was no guardian angel. when i had regained my strength, i rolled myself off him and lied down beside him.

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Otter Party

All these questions filled the wolf's mind as he fell deep down into inebriation, his brain quickly succumbing to the drunken stupor that was taking it over.

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