Indelible, part four
In the couple days that had passed since he'd been brought back from the airport, he'd traded few words with the house's extra-dimensional guest. but in those exchanges, james realized that jayden wasn't trying to be sensual.
Crusader Part 3
For a few moments as he looks to be thinking and he continues "when magnum, that mystic appeared... it sparked interest in looking to see what could be uncovered about the ancient species, we have also noticed that according to various charts, spikes in extra-dimensional
Forgotten Worlds 7 - Twisted Science
"that's the problem with natural resources of an extra-dimensional nature, they just simply never quite comply with the rules of your world."
Windfall: Eating In
Amazing how tracking down an extra-dimensional monster could bring two people together. her soft muzzle met his now, rather than just pressing into his shoulder.
A Chastity Story
The extra dimensional pocket allowed him to see right through the small gap between the tops of his thighs. without removing the belt or looking above the waist, his figure could have easily been mistaken for a woman.
Psionic Experiment
Swirling arcane symbols consume the centaur against as he returns to whatever extra-dimensional existence where he waits for the mind flayer's call.
New Found Feathers
The conspiracy nuts were out in full force, speculating everything from pod-people being rounded up that had replaced real people to prepare for an alien invasion, to a psychic attack from extra-dimensional mutants, to that old rural american favorite, the
Creature Comfort (1)
#1 of creature comfort "when a young couple's sexual exploits attract the attention of a strange extra-dimensional being, they find themselves in a struggle to maintain their identities as things quickly grow (quite literally) out of control."
Renzyl's Worldswide Tour - Arrival
Sorry, getting off track, you are currently in an area known as a nexus hub, they're little outliers that connect planets and even dimensions together, and each one is lorded over by an extra-dimensional nexus creature.
Dangerous Meditation
Among the devices she has with her in a satchel that opens into extra dimensional space, is a clockwork submarine with a scrying device built in.
Life With Tentacles
As to where they are currently, the tentacles occupy their own extra-dimensional space, to which the only way in or out is my long brush of a fox tail.
The Spark Files #04 :Christmas!!
So i can sling a few fireballs from my paws, and i possess a hat that can hold items via extra dimensional space. big deal! i use this thing to write about my day so nyah, sugar. ok, where was i... right right right!