Paradigm Shift 2: Ignition

He told me of a time when freedom of speech and press existed, when the world was starting to actually align into what he had hoped to see. several stereotypes had faded into oblivion, and poverty rates were dropping at a massive rate.

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Faggots Everywhere

"freedom of speech?' "fuck you!" "jesus, do you blow you boyfriend with that mouth?"

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A Friend's Sorrow

Using the freedom of speech you are supposed to have? they are probably going to kill you."

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 8 - Meant to be broken...

freedom of speech?' 'yes, good. that is a very important aspect of democracy.' 'the eh... right to protest?' 'yes... good. anyone else?' 'elections!' 'yes! very good!' bascially, the definition of democracy is "by the people, for the people".

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Second Chances - Chapter 19

"it's a demonstration to the president that queer students want their voices heard and that we aren't going to stand for the discriminatory legislation they're trying to pass off as freedom of speech." "oh. ok."

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The exclusive (Pledge Drive, Part 1)

For example, that freedom of speech. he could tell she was getting ready to scream for help.

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The illegals and the hatred!

of speech, and yet your students have the nerve to murder those people!?

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Commission Zone: Cradle Robberz 7

With the freedom of speech he'd forgotten how much in this demon's power he really was. "i mean, i did what you asked." at the nicer request, paulie leon's eye-motes glinted. "mmm.. maybe later. you're a new baby kitten, you ought to look the part."

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A Friend's Sorrow (Uncut)

Using the freedom of speech you are supposed to have? they are probably going to kill you."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 4

Sparx shrugged " freedom of speech" " spyro didn't do anything wrong" cynder interjected " he is the good guy here, always ready to help.

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By the way, your email address is on this one blog i follow: i tried to have it removed but the owner said i was oppressing his freedom of speech, so i gave up (you should probably do something about that).

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Maverick Hotel Part 21

Olivia talked about how much she'd miss donald's nostalgia, and how he made the period before devout america sound not as bad, from mall culture and video stores to the fact freedom of speech still existed outside the maverick's saccharine façade.

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