The Best Medicine

The todd knew that his hearing was being blocked by some hypnotic trigger as the dragon spoke to his wife. he could see her eyes glazing over as she stared into the dragon's shades. he had to marvel at the situation.

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[Patreon] A Date with Davey

The months since their last use was the longest gap by far, and lana was still unsure if the hypnotic trigger would still have its intended effect. she steeled herself for a moment, and slipped the dog-tags around her neck.

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Pokemon Sexual Type Characteristics Reference

These commands can be alterations to emotion, false memories, shared memories or hypnotic triggers. victims are able to resist if they recognize the influence. but repeated exposure can corrode will and/or life force until you're a puppet.


Making Rein Part 1 of 3

The video then cut to bruce and cathy demonstrating hypnotic triggers that jenny had placed in her mind.

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Forgetful Dog (Multi Dog TF)

Connor didn't even need to act surprised at her sudden use of a hypnotic trigger. she normally indulged him a little longer - toyed with him first. " **good dog**."

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"_ the hypnotic trigger surged through lazarus and he moaned loudly, doubling over as the cum poured out of him. it wasn't like any orgasm he had ever felt. waves of heat seemed to radiate through him and the ejaculation was more like he was pissing.

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Making Rein Part 2 of 3

"my job is to make sure that your body mods and hypnotic triggers are healing and working properly," he said with a smile, not faltering when he must have been able to easily smell rein's arousal. rein nodded, swallowing. "okay.

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Tales of the Twin Schools 2

Like a light switch being flicked off, the post-hypnotic trigger forced skye back into slumber. her eyes shut instantly, and she felt the warm fuzziness of deep slumber wash over her, dragging her off.

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The Officer and the Executive Chapter 2: Office Politics

In the strictest sense of things, a long-term hypnotic trigger was something that infringed on a great deal of personal freedoms.

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The Officer and the Executive Chapter 3: The Commissioner's New Duties

With the hypnotic trigger that frank told him for the surveillance people, there wouldn't even be a record of what happened down there, so it would - hopefully - remain a mystery. **the end**

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Justin couldn't hold back the brays, it was like the song was a hypnotic trigger that forced his body to obey and as soon as it did it was rewarded by another wave of immense pleasure, causing him to double over, his hands on his knees again as his

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Sonic: City in the Desert

Now, as usual, i placed a hypnotic trigger in each of them, using our native language to make things easy for you. just watch," said the weasel, turning to the girls and boy. "somoi!"

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