Kaja's Backstory, Chapter 2

To grima, the little tauren girl was a cross between sister, imaginary-friend-come-to-life, and life-sized stuffed animal. she was always within arm's reach of her new best friend. and if she wasn't hugging the poor girl, she was holding her hand.


My Friend Lupus

I began to think about kids and there imaginary friends and i remembered a day in my life where i ran from my problems and into a giant black wolf that would mean the world to me.

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He Who Would be Master: Prologue and Chapter 1

His parents thought he just had a vivid imagination, or that he had strange imaginary friends. he got older and realized that they were not apart of this world.

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Dover: Layer 1: Earth

#1 of 12 layers of god so you'll be having stuff to think about with my imaginary friend, dover. a cute and young white pitbull who has a lot on his mind and a lot he wants to share.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 29

"kinda," tarot heart shuffled his feet, "i didn't want to keep listening to my imaginary friends." flash heart turned serious, "your imaginary friends?"

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X's Story (part 1)

"aren't you a little old to have an imaginary friend sasha?" x crossed his arms. "why cant they see me..." sasha frowned. "x is real! you just cant see him!" the woman held a hand against her head. "fine... yes x can come too."

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[SNEAK PEEK] Perfect Fit

Had he been concussed so badly that he'd invented an imaginary friend on the spot? "sorry, one sec," the cat said, holding up a finger towards the dragon. "yeah... you sure? ...cool. all right, i'll see you later, i guess...?"

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ToLaD: Chapter 17: Coming Back

Of course someone had to watch them and of course it has to be loki and his imaginary friends.

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Undying Affection

"...hospitals filling up..." click, "...increasing amount of physical assault..." click, "...bite wounds..." click, "...the imaginary friend of a future french aristocrat, picked a fight with a clockwork man...."

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Raised by the Machine - A Memoir (Chapter One)

Instead of becoming chummy with the rest of the kids, i instead chose to partake in the old tradition of creating imaginary friends.

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A link to the past

There was no mistaking those eyes, she was my imaginary friend, yet she is here in the flesh. how is this possible?

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Why a dragon?

Manifestation of a shadow personality, an imaginary friend, perceive as you prefer. it's time to write it; a product of my suffering, loneliness, extreme depression, the death of my ego. it was created in a really dark moment.

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