Kelly's Tale - Chapter One

Kelly is a young anthropomorphic grey kangaroo doe, who takes the father/daughter bonding too extremes...

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Dark Valley - Chapter Ten -

There, slumped on the staircase, was the tortured form of an eastern grey kangaroo doe - her body slashed and blood drizzling from dozens of wounds, as she gagged and choked, before blood erupted from her throat and spattered the constables boots as she convulsed

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Slaughter at Stringybark Creek - Chapter Fifteen

Shrieked a kangaroo doe, as she stepped forwards. "you brought this down on him!" ironclad's ears slicked back, as he turned and held his head down, the tears sliding down his muzzle.

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Homecoming - Chapter Three - After Dinner Treats

Pleasure doubled and rebounded - between human man and kangaroo doe, as geoff kissed and nibbled faline's throat, feeling her heart thudding within her chest - and her forearms which began to sweat.

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An 'Evolved-One's' Tale

For a few minutes, natalia balked - but the remembered warmth of the reindeer's milk and its rich, creamy taste, soon won over the recalcitrant kangaroo doe.

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Breakfast In Bed

Jake blinked and looked down, to see the young grey kangaroo doe looking up at him, before she lifted her head and lapped at the stag's chin, before it looked back down and swept its ears back.

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A Bond Is Forged - Chapter Three - Regrets

Steve sat beside kelly, then draped an arm across her shaking shoulders, lending the frightened and upset young kangaroo doe comfort and strength. "what do i do - how can i make it right!" kelly whimpered, as she kneaded her paws in her lap.

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Brotherly Love - The Last Dancer - Chapter Five

Crying hysterically and banging on the door, it was opened and a startled elderly gazelle female looked down at the irrational and almost psychotic young kangaroo doe, who grabbed the gazelle doe in a crushing embrace, then kelsie buried her muzzle against

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All In A Days Work - Chapter Two -

Felicity tenderly guided his muzzle - until his tongue was slurping, flickering and swirling over her clitoris, making the anthropomorphic kangaroo doe writhe and squirm.

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Hoppers Tale

"this is jess, she's an orphaned eastern grey kangaroo doe...and we'd like it very much, if you promised to raise her for us? all our carers are overwhelmed with orphan's..." "i..." hopper stammered. "you...mean it?"

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Slaughter at Stringybark Creek - Chapter Eighteen -

"easy little one," come a gruff, stern voice, then the soft thud of hooves against the ground, as ironclad stepped into view and walked over to the quivering kangaroo doe, then rested a pale paw on her shoulder.

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A Doe Learns Her Place

A doe learns her place © cederwyn whitefurr all rights reserved january, 2015 kapella sat opposite the shy, reclusive young eastern grey kangaroo doe, then reached over and placed her own sharply clawed and dark furred paw on her partners and

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