A Vulpix's Desires 9

Most of the next pictures were taken without vulpix's knowledge; shots of her sleeping in provocative positions, shots of her rump in the sky, eagerly following a laser pointer with her eyes.

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Eat My Shorts

Ronald held up the laser pointer. stephen turned to chester, "l-look that wasn't me, that was an accident, okay? it's super obvious he was using that stupid laser pointer from the first bonus round-" "-bonus chance," chester corrected.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 25-The Informant

The laser pointers and nv goggles they carried made them seem as if they weren't human,but something much more sinister. hudson and the other's dropped down onto the cliff and we crept down into the town.

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Thirteen Karmic Tales: Eleventh Tale

The wolf pup slowly reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a laser pointer. with a flip of the switch he turned it on and a red dot appeared on the wall. "they're back! and in a new color!" dr.

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More about me naruto wise

Has a p90 compact machine gun holstered behind his back along with a suppressor, laser pointer, and a dotted sight attached. prologue: -nude like what he was before except in his 20 million dollar mansion.


Backstories: Albus Kane (ZaW)

He made the pistols longer, made them compatible with 10-round 50-caliber magazines, modified and welded on a laser pointer on each for use as a laser sight, and welded a combat knife as a mini-bayonet on each one.

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Chapter 66 (TP): Reveal the True Enemy.

So shiny and piercing is like aiming with a laser pointer. this has raised al's suspicion, for there is no human have that kind of glare, unless something non human. al scanned him with his eyes.

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A Brothers Love Ch.3 Pt. 2

The only things i could use were a couple laser pointers and a sound effects noise maker. i pulled out a roll of duct-tape i pulled from the hardware section and attached my laser to one pistol, and one rifle.

Extra Studies

Standing at the front of the lecture theatre, the majestically antlered whitetail stag stood, a laser pointer held in one pale furred paw as he gestured to the whiteboard beside him.

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First Stage

She pulled a laser pointer from her pocket, and people who had notepads readied pens and pencils. "as you all know, this is our mission destination. it's the outer edge of where the griffons hold."

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DRS Character Biographies

Also easily distractable with a laser pointer or any shiny object, or a closed container. naturally curious. considers missions fun and fighting a happy hobby. often considers them a game he can fight and beat.

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Venturing: Working Class

He responded, "i followed the laser pointers and knew where it lead me into." "what is the end?" "a window. but inside the window was a brown box surrounding by buttons." "buttons? from a computer or something?" "like that."

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