Fresh Meat

Unbeknown st to fenryx the black salve given to him by the elves in order to perform last rites is a necromantic balm. the head still "lives" after a fashion.

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 6: The Priest from Xenaria

Maybe she was performing his last rites. then, dougal began to realize that the pain was diminishing. at first he was certain that it was a trick of the mind, but as his lung was restored, he gasped in large breaths as he could finally breathe again.

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Skyrim:An Unexpected Arrival

"give them their last rites before their deaths" the captain said. a priest in yellow hooding stepped up and began to say her speech.

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This was no way to protect treasure, no last rite the fox was familiar with. the locals, whoever they were, wanted the thing inside buried and forgotten. but, he reasoned, if he did not open it, some other rogue archaeologist would.

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A Voluptuous Lizard's Adventures in Skyrim

Give them their last rites" the captain ordered the local town priest. the priest started preaching to the stormcloaks.

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Skyrim 1 - Unbound

"give them their last rites" she ordered. kassi'm felt his heart skip a beat at those words. the last rites. they were going to be executed now. and there was no trial.

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Any semblance of the last rites were out of the question. i could see the torches of a search party leaving the city already. i stood and loped off into the shade, letting the night swallow me.

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The priest knelt and gave her last rites.. many gasped and growled - let them. nobody deserved to die like this. how many cubs had come up to him asking he pray for dead birds, frogs, lizards.. and he always did. always.

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Chapter V: Wishmaster, Part Two

"darn, don't get to preform last rites often, but i think you're an exception for the continued good of the universe." kory said as he grabbed the detective off the floor, carefully holding the detective and helping him up.

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Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 1

I closed the young man's eyes and whispered last rites of cala mormor then i stood and left her to her mourning. i returned to calipo and with deft hands began to search her body withdrawing a slim leather parchment case with my families crest upon it.

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Heated Exchange

Meanwhile, matt and steven were read their last rites as men. "you'll remain as females, and as your designated species, for as long as required to pay your debt.

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Astaroth Ankh-Love hurts

The victim was carried away for his last rites and burial, as the surrounding witnesses began to whisper their prayers.

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