Dawn of a New Day: Moving Day

The two walked back to their room and spent the rest of the day in light conversation. after turning on a movie on one of the network channels, both justin and arcadia soon found themselves asleep.

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Werewolf's Reprieve Part 5

We enjoyed some light conversation about the day as we ate. eventually i worked up the courage to ask him out. "hey ryan?" "what is it dustin?" he replied. "would you like to go out on a date sometime?"

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Carrier Wolves - Chapter 9: Unprepared

Despite attempts at making light conversation, it really wasn't how it was before. the shiba inu wondered whether it would be best to confront the issue head on, but the time to make a decision on it abruptly ran out.

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The Dread Grimoire: Chapter One

He popped a bagel into the toaster, and poured himself a glass of orange juice, staring at his friend and making light conversation. "so, how'd your exam go?"

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Mako and Vega - 06

We settle into a bit of light conversation as we eat, until the topic turns to video games. "so, you play advanced warfare, too?" kato asks, after i list a few of the games i have. "yeah, some of the old games are better. not as many little kids."

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The Outlander 1 3

However, the meal was taken with the usual array of pleasantries and light conversation as the seniors knelt at the low dinner table.

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Star Wolf's New Recruit

"well, since we're making light conversation..." avocato growled. "i'm a bounty hunter. that's all you really need to know." "interesting. and i can tell from the look in your eyes. you're rather skilled, in more ways that one i bet!"

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Lyc to the Rescue

I make light conversation with my new dragon friend as the coffee reaches the top of the pot. the coffee stops trickling into the pot and lann rushes over. "nothing like a cup of joe after a night of tide and 3 seconds of being pounced by you."

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Blue and Orange Sky- Love at Long Last

Sonic at this point was trying to make light conversation, but all the twin-tailed vixen would answer was a yes or a nod. inside the nervous thoughts of tails was 'what does he want to say? does he... no it couldn't be that... could it?'

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Chapter 1 - Omega Strikes

He's always put some light dialogue to go with each picture (there are over 60 at the time of this writing), and i wanted to do an actual fully-detailed story for the series. well, i got permission to.

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Chapter 2; The Hand That Feeds

#2 of the blue shaman kiran finished his usual dinner of bread and beef stew, smiling and engaging in light conversation with his fellow students, what few there were.

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Chapter 1: Friday Night Surprise

This is pretty much how their lunch went, joking around, making light conversation. ---- the bell rang, the dismissal bell. 10th period had just ended, and kids were now rushing out to buses.

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