Misplaced Muse

lucid dreaming of a world gone by, wishes made on the tails of stars, only to reinforce steely bars. screaming, arms raised to the sky. blink, and you miss the wonder, one night so torn asunder.


505 The Dragon Comes Down To Georgia

After playing all night until almost dawn, the dragon found that it had reverted almost to sanity, and whilst it was still lucid-dreaming the reality around it, it decided to head out towards the lands of the west.

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Flight Academy: Chapter 6

An alarm goes off over the intercom that throws everyone out of their lucid dreams and/or nightmares. staal is the first to get up, quickly prepping breakfast as everyone else attempts to go back to sleep.

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Rant's beginning

The lucid dreams never came though, and my demons felt no need to crawl out from under my bed. something had stopped the darkness from creeping in. i woke up, dizzy and strange but not hungover.

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Fur one and fur all! (Part 1)

Sometimes i'm able to lucid dream and sometimes not. this seems somewhere in between, like my conscious is aware i'm dreaming, but doesn't really care.

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Just A Dream

I woke up hard from an amazing lucid dream! let me try to visualize it for you through words... i stepped into the steam room, walking hesitantly through the thick, moist air. the steam was so heavy, nothing could be made out.


Entry 28

People say that when you realize it's a dream you an do anything in the dream, it' called lucid dreaming.. but, i knew it was a dream and yet i couldn't do shit! i couldn't even wake myself up!

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City of the Damned - Chap VII

He drifted in and out of his lucid dreams, the sound droning...deafening... his only indication of his life, save the air that hissed in and out of his lungs.


Tik Tik's Taxing Adventure 8

Business expenses, taxes, a report on the desirable properties of the undead, the processes of lucid dreaming... dreams... is that all that it was? interdimensional travel, vampiric bunnies, meeting alternative versions of herself...?

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Untouchable: Chapter 17: Labs

"these aren't normal dreams, they are generally more intense emotional dreams," pence said, "like lucid dreaming or a hallucination." "here's hoping it's of the massage i had a few weeks ago," oliver said and stood.

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Wasteland Survivor - Prologue

#1 of wasteland survivor first story here, please give any and all feedback, don't hold back :) as for the source, the first thing i can say is lucid dreaming is a blast once you get the hang of it, i recount my story so far each night (kinda like a recap

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Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 3)

You're having a lucid dream, where the wolf you just killed is talking to you inside of a scandalously blank tipi." "okay... and what are you doing here?" "wrong question, but i'll answer it anyways.

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