05 - Personality

Hunting near humans? i asked. nothing to worry about, eliza. dizaly answered. no human's weapons could pass through my scales and soon not even by your fur. what? how that's possible? i couldn't believe. you're a cat, eliza.

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Scent of the Moon Chapter One

The real reason most werewolves lived near humans was to hide. after all it is hard to convince anyone you are normal if you live in the middle of nowhere, disappear at night, and have no social interactions with humanity at all.


Finding a New Self, Chapter 4: On the Road

I said, "funny, we who have had the most nearly human forms don't seem to care that much about it." "that's how it always is, isn't it? the other one is better, whatever it is. renno, what do you think?"

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Aboard The Grand Walker

They where nothing near human! they where monstrosities of man! the very thing every children fear lurking in the shadows of their rooms! vladimir took a drag form his cigar before spitting into an urn next to him.

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WOlfen - Chapter 25

It's hard to explain, but i sense it all the time when i'm in or near human cities. so much tragedy happens all the time with them. it's like a disease that follows them everywhere."

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You Only Live 18 Times #11 (Spyjirra)

How on earth do you think a race can vary from a nearly-human form all the way to the alfiq - just by moon phases on the birth date? come on, you are smarter than that. your very existence depends on magic. yet you are helping the humans.

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Venom, Episode 2

Every near-human became some sort of anthropomorphic animal. the effect that caused the changes in emerald heights is still in effect, though weakened.

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Kangas Awakening

Never having been near humans before, kanga couldn't understand the scent she could smell, but it was not unpleasant to her highly sensitive nose. if anything, she found the smell alluring, and she twtiched as an ache began to grow within her body.

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On My Honor - 02

"game animals generally know better than to come near humans," the captain told his men. "if they are willing to wander right up to you then they are either someone's pet or some enchanted creature."

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The Warehouse Guard

It was standing up on a near human body, but covered in fur. it had to be the same animal that attacked him though, it had the cut on its left cheek and its right eye was red from the mace.

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Rat Prince: Act III

Some people had it on their own good authority that they saw, loping across the road, a strange, misshapen, near-human form - something that walked, limped, on two legs but had a tail, something that tore out of the burning duplex, and vanished into the nature

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.14

"we're parahuman, nearly human." jenny interjected. "even spacers share more than 98% of their dna with ancient terran plains apes, this fur, these ears, this tail." she pointed out the organs in question as she spoke.

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