the new plastic diaper creature

He was unsure of what to do next, but what he was sure of was that he needs to use the bathroom. he opened the door to use the bathroom, but as soon as he stepped in, his penis felt unusual. he looked down.

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My Fist Penis

Phil said he needed to use the bathroom. i did to but it was his house so i let him go first.

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Anthro Adventures At Art Academy: Koje's First Date (Ax5 series part 2)

It was the end of the meal and koje needed to use the bathroom before they left. washing his hands and thinking about what it was that most people do after a date, dreading what jade might want to do next.

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Otter's Daily Life- Subway Accident

He sat down and enjoyed a respite from feeling the need to use the bathroom. the train departed from the station and quickly reached the next one. when the doors opened an old badger woman got on the train and walked right up to kyle.

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We lay there for what felt like blissful eternity, until cherry needed to use the bathroom to clean up. by then my cock had gone flaccid enough for him to wiggle free.

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Milky Kimi

Do you need to use the bathroom?" the question was so bizarre that kimi had no choice but to come back to reality. "you're... leaking..." the other girl pointed down at kimi's groin. come to think of it, her panties felt soaking wet.

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Coming Out

I said lookng back at his eyes " need to use the bathroom" "um...sure" while he got one of his underwear and left the bathroom while i stood there looking at the floor blushing. i heard the door close behind me once again.

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Thomas Shorts: Last Chance

Stone decided to stop in the middle of a semi-crowded lobby and tell thomas, "i need to use the bathroom. wait here. i'll be back in a bit." "si-sir, no! at least face me towards the wall or..." blushing yet again, thomas realized it was too late.

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Was I Abducted?

I had no idea how long i had been unconscious, but it had been long enough for me to need to use the bathroom. i waited a while longer, then when it felt like i would burst, i tried to yell for help or some knew mad of attention.

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Tsuyoi’s workout

"uhh one moment i need to use the bathroom!" the sprinters would be impressed at how fast he moved from sitting to the bathroom, even jumping over a pichu doing push-ups.

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Wylde Wolf.

He had only got half way down his mug of chocolate before he needed to use the bathroom. he rushed upstairs to the bathroom, locked the door, and unzipped his fly. sweet relief.

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